Chapter 3: The Meadow

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Sol awoke with a start, and the first thing that greeted him was a sharp burning pain running from his shoulder blade down to one of his paws. Because of this, he supported himself on just one paw as he sat up. It was early morning; he was inside a cave in an unfamiliar place, and the only light filtering into his prison was from a campfire outside. He noticed a red plumage beyond the barriers preventing his escape, which he then recognized as a Blaziken. He felt immense frustration but ended up just sighing in exhaustion, lowering his head. It would be foolish to attempt an escape while injured and clearly at a disadvantage.

When he thought his situation couldn't get worse, he saw the Lucario from before beside him, who he assumed had also been weakened. Great; he had been captured, injured, and lost the scale. Runa and... Avareza would be furious with him. He couldn't dwell on it much at that moment, so he lay back down. It was just odd that they weren't in Coral City; he recognized that the territory was far from the coast.


On the other hand... Glory wasn't a light sleeper. What woke her was an exasperated shout outside the tent. Scared, she peeked out to see what was happening. She saw Kento scolding someone inside the cave, very confused, she cautiously left the tent and approached.

"What's happe...?"

She tried to ask, but someone spoke to her as she neared the entrance of the improvised prison.

"Why isn't she locked up?"

Glory jumped back in surprise; the one who spoke was the Lucario, who was... somewhat singed. Startled, Glory hastily shot one of her arrows, which the Lucario dodged by merely shifting his paw aside.

"Is it always going to be like this?"

He said good-humoredly. Glory's confusion must have been obvious as the other prisoner joined the conversation.

"He's been trying to escape since before dawn."

Clarified Sol, who was lying on the other side, clearly irritated.

"I'm this close to using you as fuel, Daitanai." Kento brought his claws together, leaving no space between them, making a gesture that declared his limit of patience. "Besides, she's not the criminal here."

"Is your name Daitanai?" Glory asked, looking at the Lucario with innocent curiosity. Now that her fright had subsided, she noticed that the one Kento was scolding didn't seem like a bad person. At least not as she imagined bandits to be.

"Don't talk to him!" Kento scolded, but the Lucario didn't care about the flames the Blaziken might produce.

"Call me Max."

Max extended a hand between the bars to greet, but Kento swatted it away.

Amidst all the chatter, Sol was thinking about other things. The only reason he could tolerate those explorers and the bounty hunter was that this situation was much better than ending up in a Coral City prison. His claw tapped the ground softly with impatience; he had a few days to return with the scale. He wondered who had it... definitely not any of the three idiots fighting on the other side of his prison; there must be more capable Pokémon outside. He rested his chin on his front paw, thoughtful; how was he going to get out of this?

"And who is he?"

Though the Decidueye had whispered, Sol was perfectly capable of hearing her, so he turned to look in that direction.

"Why do you care so much? Go bother Darla, your business was with her," Kento responded, dismissing whatever Sol might say.

"This fluffball hasn't told us his name, but he makes some very disturbing threats."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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