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Derrick Harrington and Laurielle Richards's relationship seemed perfect,like there was nothing wrong,as if there was only love between them. They loved each other deeply and cared for each other immensely. However after 4 years of dating,something seemed to be different,something seemed to be very wrong. Derrick's behavior changed. He wasn't the boy who Laurielle fell in love with anymore which confused Laurielle and made her parents grow fearful that he would hurt their daughter. As his behavior continued to become different,the worse the fear became. They plead with her to break up with him before he hurts her but she doesn't want to leave him. Their pleading with her to break up with him fails even after they tell her the reason why. She stays with her boyfriend against their wishes.

Will her best friend Thomas Williamson be able to get her to understand the reason why her parents are wanting her to break up with Derrick? Can Thomas get her to break up with Derrick which is what her parents want? Thomas felt the same way that her parents did about the change in her boyfriend and thought that he would cause her to be in great danger. If she doesn't break up with Derrick, it'll endanger her. The change in her boyfriend gets worse with every day, it's seeming unstoppable. This increased fear in her parents and her best friend that she could be in danger and that her boyfriend will be the cause of the danger she'll be in. Thomas hopes he can get her to understand that the change in her boyfriend could be harmful to her and she could be in danger before something happens to her.

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