Happy Anniversary to The Love of My Life

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It was the anniversary of when they started dating. It was 4 years ago today they started dating each other. 

Derrick did a post:Happy 4th dating anniversary to the love of my life,the first girl I ever loved. I can't believe it's been 4 years since we first started dating each other. I can't imagine life without you as my girlfriend. You'll never understand how much you mean to me babe,you are my whole entire heart. Laurielle Richards you are the first and only love of my life,you gave me dreams, most of all you've stolen my heart from the moment I first got the courage to ask you to be mine. I can't and won't ever love a girl who isn't you Laurie. I loved you dearly from the moment we started dating. I love you more than you'll ever understand and forever. I can't even understand why fate knew we'd be perfect for each other but I'm glad for that though. I ❤️ you.

Laurielle did a post:4 years ago today I began dating the greatest guy who I've known since the start of elementary school. How have 4 years flown by us this quickly? You are the first boy I ever loved and I can't express my love for you enough because I love you so much Ricky. Derrick Harrington you got through my shyness and antisocial side and I'm still wondering how you did it. From the moment I agreed to date you I knew it was love at first sight for the start of our relationship and here we are 4 years later and we're still so perfect babe. Fate knew it exactly what it was doing when we started dating and even though I'm not sure how it did I know I wouldn't change anything about it. I love you. I love you more than you'll ever know and forever and ever babe. You stole my heart from the moment I said yes to being your girlfriend. I love you very much babe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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