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The dawn broke with a bittersweet glow over the Solar tribe, the village bustling with preparations for Aric and Elara’s wedding. The air was thick with the scent of marigolds and incense, and the sound of rhythmic drums reverberated through the hills. Aric and Elara, dressed in their traditional wedding attire, stood at the center of the gathering, surrounded by their tribe.

Aric’s heart felt heavy beneath his ornate robes, and as he glanced at Elara, he saw a reflection of his own turmoil in her eyes. She looked beautiful, adorned in red and gold, her face serene yet marked by an undercurrent of sadness.

They were bound by vows and promises, their hands joined as they circled the sacred fire, repeating the ancient words that would tie their destinies together.

The headman, though weak and barely able to move, watched from his place of honor. His eyes, though dimmed by pain, shone with tears of pride and love. He had always wished the best for his son, and seeing Aric step into his responsibilities brought him a deep, poignant satisfaction.

When the ceremony concluded, the priest asked the final, solemn question,

“Do you, Aric, and you, Elara, willingly accept each other in this sacred bond?”

Both of them nodded, their voices steady despite the weight of their emotions.

“I do,” they said in unison, sealing their fates with those simple words.

As the last rites of the wedding were performed, the headman’s breath became shallow. He looked at his son one last time, his face peaceful. With a final, contented sigh, he left his earthly body behind. The gathered tribe fell into a hushed sorrow as Aric ran to his father’s side, clutching his lifeless body, tears streaming down his face.

“I promise, Father,” Aric whispered, his voice choked with grief.

“I will complete all my responsibilities. I will protect our people, and Elara too.”

Thane, the ever-watchful advisor, stepped forward.

“Aric, we must now make you the next headman. We will start the rituals tomorrow morning, but first, we must perform your father’s last rites.”

Aric nodded, his heart laden with sorrow. Elara watched him, feeling his pain as acutely as her own. The funeral pyre was built, and as the flames consumed the body of the headman, the tribe chanted prayers to guide his soul to the afterlife.

That night, Aric stood on his balcony, gazing at the stars, each one a reminder of his father's wisdom and love. Tears welled in his eyes, and he felt the overwhelming weight of his new responsibilities. From behind him came Elara, now his wife, adorned with the heavy jewelry that marked her as a newly married woman.

The ornate pieces dug into her soft skin, and she approached Aric, her eyes pleading for help.

“Your Grace,” Elara said softly, unable to say his name due to the tradition.

Aric turned and saw the discomfort in her eyes. “You can call me by my name,” he said gently. “I don’t mind.”

Elara smiled faintly and nodded. “Thank you, but Could you help me remove these? They’re quite painful.”

Without a word, Aric helped Elara remove the heavy jewelry, each piece falling away like a shackle being undone. Finally free of the burdensome ornaments, Elara sighed with relief.

“My father was looking for you,” Elara said softly.

“He wanted to talk to you.”

Aric nodded and left to meet High Priest Thalon, who was waiting outside.

“Yes, sir, why do you seek me?” Aric asked.

Thalon motioned for Aric to walk with him.

“There is something I have kept hidden, not only from you but from everyone,” Thalon began, his voice low and serious.

“What is it?” Aric asked, curiosity and apprehension mingling in his heart.

“Almost 23 years ago, I met the Sun God during a journey back to Aeloria. He told me that I would find a newborn girl lying in the forest, and that I should raise her as my daughter. That girl was Elara.”

Aric was taken aback. “What do you mean?”

“Elara is not a Solar tribal by birth. The Sun God told me she was a devout follower in her past life, betrayed by her husband. Out of mercy, He granted her another life.”

Aric stood in stunned silence. “She’s connected to my past.”

Thalon nodded.

“Yes. Do not be angry that she is not a Solar. She loves you with all her heart. Promise me you will protect her from the disaster that is to come. She does not deserve to die in this conflict. She is pure and has faith in you.”

Aric sighed deeply.

“It was my father’s wish that I marry her. She is my responsibility now. I promise to protect her.”

Thalon placed a reassuring hand on Aric’s shoulder.

“Don’t see her as just a duty. She seeks true love. Give her that, if you can.”

“I don’t know if I can love her, but I will protect her,” Aric replied. “I feel that we are connected in ways I don’t fully understand yet.”

Thalon smiled faintly. “Thank you, Aric. That’s all I ask. Now, it’s late. Rest well.”

As Aric returned to his room, he found Elara already asleep, exhausted from the day’s events. He gently covered her with a blanket and lay down beside her, feeling the weight of his new responsibilities settle over him like a shroud.

Despite the uncertainty of their future, he resolved to honor his promises and protect those he loved, even as the shadows of prophecy and destiny loomed ever closer.

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