Chapter 13

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I'm rotting in bed alone, having sent Daimon away, when I hear a knock.

"Yeah?" I tug my blanket over my legs since i'm only wearing panties under my oversized black shirt.

Artemis trots into the room, and when he meets my eyes, i feel the beginning of something.

"I would like to talk to you about something."

I sit up straighter, discarding my phone. "What's up?"

"I think it would be best for you see a therapist."

I smile, "You think so?"

"Yes. From what i have seen, you have gone through immense trauma. I too have been to a few therapists in the past, and one was able to help me in a way i wasn't even aware needed to be attended to. I think you would benefit from seeing one too."

"I don't know. I don't think i want one, really."

"Why not?"

"I guess im just not ready."

He tilts his head, "Understandable."

"Is there... anything else?"

"Yes." He reaches into his pocket and produces a gun. My eyes start to widen, but then pulls open an empty desk drawer and places it in, closing it.

"As Butler has told you, Daimon has escaped. You may only use that gun if absolutely necessary."

"What defines 'absolutely necessary'?"

"If you truly feel as if there's no other way to deal with a certain situation, but with some restrictions. You can't use it against me or anyone i deem a friend or family."

"You're providing me with self-defence in case Daimon tries to hurt me again."


I feel something in my chest stir, and butterflies come to life in my stomach. Along with a touch of anger that starts to steadily grow.

"Thank you."

He nods as he takes his leave.

He doesn't see the tears that well up in my eyes.


That night, Daimon climbs back in through the window to find me crying as i hug myself.

He folds me into his arms and strokes my hair, "What's wrong, love?"

He waits until i'm ready to tell, "They refused to help me."

"The VHP?"

"Yeah. They're supposed to fucking help me. It's their fucking job, and they wouldn't help me!"

They wouldn't, but Artemis did.

The lump in my throat sears through me, stoking my anger, "I hate them, i hate them for being right, and i hate them for not helping me. I want to hurt them."

What was that about not needing a therapist?

Daimon's fingers still, "Are you sure about that, baby? Do you really mean that?"

I nod, feeling the vengeful fury boiling inside of me.

"Understood, love."

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