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A.N: Hello everyone, welcome to the sequel to Six Campers. As many of you know or may not know, I completely stepped away from writing. I just got to the point where I was doing too many stories at once and I had also just started my first full-time job at the time so I just got burnt out. But when Chaos Theory's trailer dropped, I got messages and comments about if and when I was going to do a sequel. At first, I wasn't going to but after receiving all the messages and the support that I have gotten, I have decided to come back to write a sequel so thank you all so much for getting me back in the game.

Also side note, I had aged up the campers in Six Campers so going forward...the ages for the campers and my OC are as follows: Darius is 19, Ben is 20, both Brooklynn and Sammy are 21, Kenji is 22, and Yaz and Ryan are both 24.

P.O.V: None

Through thick shrubbery and towering redwood trees, down a long, winding, weathered road is a green pickup truck making its way down the road...upbeat music blaring and its driver tapping his fingers to the beat of the rhythm. The driver changes the radio station as the music cuts and a man's voice is heard.

"If you are someone who has been injured by a dinosaur or a flying reptile, you may be liable for financial compensat-."

The voice is cut as the driver shakes his head exasperatingly and changes the station. After searching for a while, he lets go of the tuner and leans back but groans in annoyance when a man on a podcast begins to talk. A podcast that the driver is all too familiar with.

"Dinosaurs had their shot. And now, we're just supposed to share our world with them and hope that everything turns out ok? Nonsense! And I don't care for the DPW or B.U.M.P.S have to say about relocation or dinosaur awareness...ok big wigs, maybe you should do what I told you all to do, all those years ago...gather them up and send them back to their burnt-up island where they belong. What say you, caller?"

The driver softly presses his brakes, bringing the pickup to a slow crawl and maneuvering itself through potholes....large, pawprint-shaped potholes. The driver gets through and picks speed, his eyes glancing towards the radio as a woman speaks up.

"Well, I for one, not feel safe. Like, it was bad enough when they made a dinosaur amusement park... especially with how great the first one was, decades ago. But to then allow them on the mainland, where they can roam unrestrained. At least the park was on an island where they were far away from us."

The driver sighs, silently analyzing the point that the woman caller made. While she's not wrong to be a little bit fearful... dinosaurs didn't ask to be put here, nor did they have a choice when they were brought here.

But on the other hand, while it might have initially been for good intentions, it ended in disaster. The incident at the Lockwood Estate is something that no one will ever forget. But the point stands as some say that dinosaurs deserve to have a place in our world considering that it was the arrogance and ignorance of humans that led to their de-extinction...but most people just see them as these gigantic pests that should never have been brought back or brought to the mainland, and they either should be removed or put down.

While the driver contemplates the pros and cons of this endless debate, his eyes glance up at a photo that is lodged in the sun visor. The photo shows ten people, five men, and five women, all standing under a white gazebo. The men, apart from one, are wearing matching black and white dress tuxedos. Four of the women are wearing matching light teal dresses. And the last two...the special couple. The woman is wearing a beautiful pure white dress while holding a bouquet, and the man is wearing a dark purple tuxedo...with his arms wrapped around the woman, happy radiant smiles adorned on their faces. The driver smiles happily at remembering that day, when the photo was taken. All of them, all together, celebrating the couple's special seems so long ago now.

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