Rest Stop

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P.O.V Change: Ben

Darius's Cabin

"Oh shit."

Darius's voice is filled with fear as we slowly back up to the cabin's door. The white raptor screeches in fury and anger as it charges full speed towards us, jumping the fence line. I try to dart away but Darius pulls me back, to look at him with a fearful look but his eyes tell me to hold firm...a gaze that tells me that he has a plan. We hold fast...every muscle, every fiber, and every instinct is telling me to hide. To do everything that I can to possibly get away from this very 'clear on intent' raptor...but I hold...firm-ish as Darius softly counts down as the raptor approaches and jumps towards us

"One...two...three! Now!"

He shouts as we dive out of the way as the raptor crashes through the door and into the stairs, dazing it. "Come on, let's go!' I shout as we get to our feet and bolt toward Darius's pickup. I hear a screech as I glance back, and see the white raptor coming too and quickly chase us again. I get to the truck and pull the door open, waiting for Darius but I turn back and see him sprawled on the ground, holding the broken gate alarm wire and an old can. Seeing the raptor get closer to him, I quickly look around and throw a good-sized rock at the raptor, disorienting it.

"Darius! Hurry!" I shout as Darius throws the can at the raptor as well...gets up and dives into the truck. I get in as well and close the door behind, just as the albino slams headfirst into the door, rocking the truck onto two wheels. I lean against Darius as I try to shimmer away from the door but the raptor slams his body and his nose into the door and window.

"Go, go, go!" I shout with terror as Darius looks for his keys...and can't find them. "I left my keys inside." He says with fear in his voice as I mentally slap my forehead. "Are you serious?" I say to him but before he can say anything...the truck is pushed to the side as the raptor starts clawing at the glass...while slamming its head into.

I look over and see my van down a small hill, furthering along the dirt road. "My van is just down that way." I point out to Darius who follows the gesture but once again, the raptor slams into the truck, this time from the back. I feel the truck moves slightly...which gives me an idea.

"Put it in neutral...we can roll there!" I say as Darius pulls the gear into the neutral and with the raptor still pushing...the truck gives way and slowly rolls down the hill. We hear a screech and see the raptor jump up into the bed of the truck, slamming its head into the glass...cracking it. I hold up the stun prod, just in case, it breaks through.

As the truck treks down the road, Darius tries to steer the truck to avoid anything that could hinder our motion. The raptor continues to try and break the glass, causing the cracks to spread out in a spider web fracture. As we get closer to the van, Darius and I nod to each other and hold onto the door handles, preparing ourselves. "Ready?" He asks me as I nod my head. "!" I shout as Darius slams the brakes, causing the raptor to slam through the window. We open our doors and bailout, watching as the raptor struggles to get out of the tight space.

Darius gets to the van first as he opens the door, gesturing for me to get in. I throw myself and glance behind to see the white raptor racing towards him. "Here! Behind you!" I shout as I pass him the stun prod. Darius turns and with a hard, mean swing...hits the raptor across the face with the handle of the prod. With the raptor momentarily dazed, Darius flips the prod to hold it to the right and jabs the raptor in the side, shocking it for good measure. Darius gets in and we buckle ourselves in as I turn the van over and slam the accelerator, speeding out here as fast as I can.

We get out onto the main road and I slow us some time to catch our breath. I hear gasp and I glance over and see that Darius is looking at something in the side mirror. I look to my own and see the white raptor chasing after us. My eyes widen in terror as I press my foot down to the floor, speeding ahead but the raptors are just too fast and catch up easily.... I shouldn't have slowed down stupid...idiot.

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