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It's been two months since kadumbur ilavarasi Manimeghalai's death. Vandiyathevan was still haunted by the memory of her. No matter what he did that innocent girl's face popped in his memories.

Vandiyathevan was sitting in the palace garden lost in his thoughts. The thought of kadambur ilavarasi made a lone tear escape his eye. What an innocent soul she was, the golden flower of kadambur. The only mistake she did was to love me, he thought.

Little did he know that Manimeghalai will the guardian angel watching over him his whole life.

"Vandiyare", Arunmozhi's voice brought Vandiyathevan back to his senses. He quickly gathered himself and faced him.

"Good evening ilavarase", he said with a smile.
Arunmozhi simply nodded and continued, "What are doing here, nanba? I thought you were getting ready for the expedition".

"Oh yes ilavarase, I was just taking a stroll in the garden", he said.

"Is there something that is bothering you, Vandiyare. You can share it with me if you want", he said as he noticed Vandiyathevan's expression change.

"It's nothing ilavarase. Thanks for asking". He said with a fake smile, the reality is he was depressed.

"I know when you lie nanba. You are thinking about Manimeghalai aren't you. Akka told me that you keep worrying about her. Don't worry, there's nothing we can do". He tried to console him.

Vandiyathevan nodded to which Arunmozhi smiled and hugged his best friend to let go of his worries.

"I don't want to see my friend depressed just the day before we leave for Ilangai", he said and broke the hug.

The next day

The morning dawned upon the beautiful land of Thanjai. The sun slowly started to spread its golden rays in all the directions. The whole of Thanjai was in a festive mood. It is the day their beloved prince is going for war against Eezham. Women decorated the entrance of their homes using colourful kolams . Young maidens dressed beautifully and adorned their dark hair in colourful and fragrant flowers.

The same could se said for the palace, it was decorated with beautiful colours and flowers.
The palace was lively with the sound of laughter and joy.

The whole city of Thanjai had gathered at the palace to send off their beloved prince. Fathers carried their children on their shoulders for a better view and waited for the Prince to come out.

Finally it was the time for the Prince and his friend to leave for the war. Trumpets and drums were blown as the Prince came out of the Durga kovil palms folded and walked towards the elders to get their blessings.

The Prince touched Sembiyan Madevi's feet to get her blessings. She made him rise and blessed him. Soon he got blessings from the other elders and walked towards Kundavai.

Ilaya piratti Kundavai, Vanathi and Kundavai's thozhigal were standing with aarthi thattu in their hands. As ponniyin selvan came near they all took the aarthi. Arunmozhi bent to touch his sister's feet, Kundavai made him rise and blessed him, " Arunmozhi you are going to make the Puli Kodi fly in Ilangai. Durga Devi's blessings are always with you. I will miss you so come back soon. And always remember your akka loves you". She said in a majestic voice.

Ponniyin selvan smiled and saw Vanathi standing beside his akka. Vanathi heart and mind were having a clashing battle. Her mind suggested her to be strong and send her beloved to the battle while her heart wanted him to stay with her. She prayed to Durga devi in her mind to protect her beloved yaanai paagan.

Arunmozhi saw her worries as if she was a open book. He turned towards her and said," Goodbye Vanathi". His voice shaked Vanathi out of her thoughts. "Please return soon ilavarase I will be waiting for you. And also write to me often", she said with tears brimming her eyes. "Ok Vanathi I will", he said.

While this happened Kundavai was in the same stage as Vanathi except for the tears. She looked at Vandiyathevan and said," Vandiyare I am sending my brother with you take proper care of him. Return soon and don't flirt with other girls".

Vandiyathevan smiled, "Devi, why will I look at the stars when I can feel the beauty of full moon. He said charmingly. Kundavai smiled and thought this man and his way with words.

Their conversation was interrupted by Arunmozhi as he said, " Akka take care of Vanathi while I'm away".

"Adei, I was the one who took care of her before you married her. I know how to care for her", Kundavai said in a mocking tone and everyone burst into laughter.

Soon Arunmozhi and Vandiyathevan walked towards their horses and sat on them. The crowd started to sing the Prince and his friend's praises Hail ponniyin selvar! Hail ilavarasar Arunmozhi varmar! Hail cholza naadu! Hail Vanar Kula ilavarasar Vallavaraiyan Vandiyathevan!

Arunmozhi and Vandiyathevan rode their horses slowly through the crowd and acknowledged their blessings and wishes. Vandiyathevan turned back to get one last glimpse of his thalaivi before going to Eezham. As the crowd became less they rode fast towards Kodiyakarai.

Kadambur ilavarasi - Princess of Kadambur
Ilavarase/ilavarasar - Prince
Nanba - Friend
Akka - Elder sister
Ilangai/Eezham - Sri Lanka
Thanjai - Thanjavur, a city in Tamil Nadu
Kolam - Rangoli
Kovil - Temple
Ilaya piratti - Younger Princess of the Cholzas
Thozhigal - Plural of Thozhi meaning female friends
Aarthi thattu - A plate used for performing arti
Ponniyin selvan - Son of river ponni (Kaveri), here it is referred to Arunmozhi varman
Puli Kodi - Tiger flag of the Cholzas
Yaanai paagan - Elephant mahout (Vanathi's nickname for Arunmozhi)
Devi - Goddess or a term used to call ladies respectfully, here it means the latter
Adei - Hey
Cholza naadu - Cholza kingdom or country
Vanar Kula ilavarasar - Prince of the Vanar/Bana clan
Thalaivi - Female leader or lover here it means the latter
Kodiyakarai - A place in the coastline of Tamil Nadu

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