Chapter 2 Back Home!

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It was time to return home; I was sort of relieved that I was no longer being spied on by Birsha. But I had to figure something out. I couldn't tell my siblings. That was the worst, not even Peter. He'd try to stop Coral's assassination, and if he did...And there was the attack. If I told them we shouldn't go, but I could warn Coral. As an anonymous friend. No one suspects a thing.
On my voyage back to Narnia, I spent most of the time thinking. Our country was in danger and I had no way of defending it.
Alaric was serious, he was a man of his word. I sighed, lying back on my bunk. I had nothing else to do but think about it.
Maybe a walk on the deck would do me some good. So I got up, put on my cloak and went onto the deck, leaning against the railing. I could smell the salt air. Narnian sea air. I was almost home.
"Hello," I was startled for a moment. I turned around to face a young man around Peter's age. He had dark hair, a small beard, and blue eyes.
"Hello," I answered, turning back to look at the sea.
"You must be Queen Verity?" He asked.
"Yes," I nodded.
"I'm Irvin," he replied, "Captain of the Splendour Hylene, your ship."
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you," I told him,
"I'm sure you'll be a great captain for our ship. None of us know much about the sea. This is only my second time on a ship."
"I've been on the sea in all my twenty years," he boasted."My father was a captain of a number of ships. I was born with saltwater in my veins."
"I can understand why you would like it. It's so beautiful," I replied, "Where are you from?"
"Archenland, I don't look or sound a bit Calormene or do I?" He answered.
"No, I've been around them for a year. It's good to be going back to Cair Paravel," I said.
"Just a few more days, Your Majesty," he told me.

Three days later, I was home! When our longboat reached the shore, I caught a glimpse of Peter. I jumped out of the boat ignoring Irvin's outstretched hand.
"Peter!" I cried, holding my skirts and running towards my brother. I threw my arms around his neck.
"Verity!" He wrapped his strong arms around me.
I realized how much, I had missed him, all of them. Peter, Susan, Edmund, Ruth, and Lucy. I tried to hold back the tears, but I couldn't.
"I've missed you so much," I sobbed, "All of you."
"But you're home now," he said, he held me at arm's length, "What happened to you? My little sister was a girl when she left for Tashbaan, now she's a woman!"
"It's been a year, Pete," I replied."Where are the others?"
"Entertaining guests," he replied, wrapping an arm around me," Susan planned a ball to celebrate your homecoming."
"Let me guess, she invited all of Archenland," I answered sarcastically.
"Well, about half of it," Peter admitted.

 "Excuse me, I'm sorry to break for your lovely sibling reunion, but..." We turned around to face Irvin.

 "Irvin!" Peter shook his hand, "You arrived just in time, we planned on sailing next week."

 I looked over at the Splendour Hylene, I had only left when they began building it. It looked so beautiful. A large Narnian flag hung at its sails.

 "Next week, but I just got home," I said.

 "Aren't you excited, Verity?" Peter asked concerned.

 "Yes, of course," I nodded.

 "I also came for the ball as well; Queen Susan had invited me," Irvin replied, his eyes falling on me, "It was very fortunate that I got to meet your sister. I like to get to know the person, who the party is thrown for." 

 I looked at the ground, "Blessed," I corrected.

 "Sorry, your majesty?" He asked confused.

 "I prefer to use the term ' blessed' instead of fortunate," I explained."My things! I should get my things."

 "Verity, haven't you forgotten, we have servants," Peter placed a hand on my shoulder.

 "Oh, I forgot. At school, I carried my things even though I didn't have to. It was freedom," I replied.

 "Since you liked it at that school, are you planning on attending next year again?" Peter asked me.

 "Well, I..." But I was interrupted by a big hug. It was Lucy.

 "You're  home!" She exclaimed, "You don't know how much, I've missed you."

 I hugged her back, "It was the same for me."

 "Verity!" I looked up and there was Ruth, she crashed me into a hug.

 "How was Tashbaan?" She asked me.

 "It was fine," I shrugged my shoulders.

 "Susan wants you at Cair Paravel immediately," Ruth told me, "There's someone 'really important'  she wants you to meet."

 "Important?" I questioned, but my sister grabbed my arm, "Come on, Lu!" She called to our youngest sister, who followed.

 "It's Prince Armand from Archenland," Lucy informed me.


 "King Lune's nephew," Ruth stated.

 "Why do I need to meet him? I mean...." I asked.

 "You'll see," Ruth pulled me through the garden to the entrance of Cair Paravel.

 When I stepped inside I smiled to myself. I was home. My sisters led me to the drawing room, where I could hear Susan and Edmund talking to someone.

 "She's here!" I heard Susan exclaim, and in a moment, I was in both Susan and Edmund's arms.

 "Now," Susan said, as we pulled back, "Let me look at you."

 "Still the same," I grinned, "I haven't changed a bit."

 "Now I'll be the judge of that," she stated, "You've grown up!"

 "Please, don't start," I groaned, "Peter already has been fussing enough." I sat down. And Susan was much worse.

 Across from me sat a young fellow. He had brown hair and was clean-shaven.

 "Armand, this is my sister, Queen Verity," Susan introduced us.

 Armand got up and bowed, "A pleasure to meet you, your majesty." He kissed my hand.

 "Same for me, Armand," I answered formally.

 Someone coughed; I looked over at a plump woman in her middle fifties beside her, a golden-haired girl around Susan's age.

 "What about us, Queen Susan?" She asked.

 "Oh, Lady Monique, I'm sorry and Adelaide." Susan said, "This is Queen Verity, my sister."

 "Ah! the Faithful," nodded Lady Monique, "I was hoping you'd keep my daughter company. She gets very nervous at such events."

 "That's because Mother..." Protested Adelaide.

 But she gave her a look, which kept her quiet.

 "Oh. that won't be a problem," I replied, but I sensed that Adelaide was jealous about something. Maybe it was Armand, but I had just met the fellow

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