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I felt a surge of excitement and nervousness, and here we go. I handed over my hands to him as we were exchanging rings; he slid the ring onto my fingers, followed by me. some sparks erupted in my body as our skin brushed against each other. I heard some cheers and applause in the background. I glanced at my ring and bitterly smiled.

I'm marrying someone without my will. You can't expect me to be happy now, can you? Everything happens without my will. I'm being forced into this marriage. Well, now I'm actually glad that they didn't care about me and paid much attention to me, or my life would have been worse than it already is.

I wonder what they would have done to me if I misbehaved, never listened to them. I nodded my head, and out of nowhere, something clicked in my head. What if I just run? I mean, I wouldn't have to marry him, but then again, they are rich. My parents would find me in a snap of fingers. I deeply inhaled, knowing I can do nothing but be a puppet.

I liked, no, loved my parents, but then their changes made me hate them. Their actions made me develop feelings I never wanted towards them.

They started judging me, not treating me equally as my brother. So much favoritism. Deep down, I know I cared about them and could never hate them or do things which they don't like because I don't want to be useless. I don't want to disappoint them. I doubt if I have any value or not.

If I die, would someone come to visit my grave and talk to me for hours?

I shook my head and pushed aside my thoughts, not wanting to dwell on negative and bitter feelings.

I was pulled harshly by my wrist by my mother. I narrowed my eyes at her weird behavior, but a common behaviour.

Her facial expression said she's frustrated. See how much I know my mother. I patted my back internally, though it was not a big deal; anyone could have said it. I gave her a confused look; she continued to pull me along with her to a corner?

"What's wrong with you?" Everything. she took a deep breath. "Can't you just act normal for once, keep a expression like a normal human?" Why act when I suck at that behavior?

"I'll" I gave her a sweet fake smile and a fake answer. I could never act normal even if I try because clearly, I'm not normal.

"Always smiling-" Papa cut her off by dragging her to meet his business partners. For once, I'm grateful for him, but but but only I know, mother, what I hide behind that pretty smile of mine.

I let out a heavy sigh and began to walk, lost in thoughts. And suddenly, out of nowhere, or should I say, somewhere, someone grabbed my arm and dragged me to a different corner where no one could see us. What's wrong with everyone today, or is it just me?

Why am I the only one being pulled away today? Dealing with humans is really hard and fucking complicated.

Why were humans even born?

Isaac caged me against the wall, his hands on either side. I rolled my eyes at this typical behavior. Seriously, do something else to impress me; this won't work. I know I'm pretty, but you don't have to engage in secret things. Sadly I don't have that confidence to say this.

"You're going to break off this marriage, do whatever you want. I don't care. Just end this marriage, make sure it happens, and no one should know about this, hm?" His tone was hoarse and deep, filled with frustration with a hint of annoyance.

"And why would you think I will do that?" Wow, I'm impressed myself. "And we are engaged," I showed him my ring, and he just shattered my delusion.

"I don't fucking care," he raised his voice. I highly doubt if someone didn't hear it. Irritated and slightly confused, I used the same harsh tone as him.

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