The Gift of Friendship

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This and part 2 are just a teaser. The full story will be on my AO3 account. Enjoy this! Link is in the comment section and down below.

TW: Thoughts of Self Harm. And Suicidal thoughts. Only in the 1st part though. All of my stories are usually "kid-friendly". So this is my first time writing something like this.

Chapter 1: In Your Dreams

"Peter Parker, 16 years old, no family, no life, no home. Agh! No. That's stupid Peter. It sounds so bleak." He took a look around him. "Then again, maybe it's not bleak enough. Bitten by a radioactive spider that gave me powers, and... Really bad luck." Peter sighed as he held the pencil firmly in his grasp above an old school notebook. He turned his head towards the sign that sat next to him. Disabled and Hungry. Anything helps. It was generic, but it was all he had.

A random woman walked past him with a frown on her face. She stopped in front of him and looked at the sign. Then she glared. Peter knew exactly what was coming next. A stern talking to about how he was lazy and manipulative. "The nerve of young men these days. Why don't you get a job," and... Here it comes. "Instead of telling people that you're. "Disabled". Putting 'disabled' in air quotes, she huffed. "Like someone's gonna believe that lie." She touched up her hair before walking away. Peter sighed and shook his head at her.

Actually, his whole body was shaking. From the cold maybe, or perhaps from the lack of food. His stomach ached for food, and his metabolism made it worse. He couldn't feel his legs, he really hadn't for years, so he couldn't know what those felt like. But they looked like they hurt. Maybe, he didn't know.

He looked at the dingy, torn blanket scrap he sat on. It was the only thing keeping him off the cold concrete. Of course, it wasn't much (Nothing at all) but it was better than sitting on his hoodie. He could not have a repeat of the hypothermia incident he had about a year prior. He couldn't even believe he made it past that. Maybe it was his newfound healing ability. He shivered and pulled his hood over his head, he looked up as the snow began to fall. "Great." He murmured. Gathering his things, he crawled (he could walk but it sent pain through his entire body.) towards a large box and shoved his belongings (a torn shirt, a pair of sweatpants, and two socks. And his cardboard sign and blanket.) Under the box then quickly climbed in after them. Then he pulled the hoodie closer to his body as he shivered some more before laying down and closing his eyes. Rest usually made some of the pain go away for a bit.

The next morning Peter awoke, surrounded by a centimeter snow. Surprising, seeing as it was New York. Huffing, he grabbed his things and made his way back to the curb. He wondered what a person would say if they saw him just crawling on the ground towards the sidewalk to sit next to his cardboard sign. He honestly didn't care. It was the least of his concerns.

He looked at the scalpel he had in his hand he used it to defend himself from older homeless guys. But holding it, he wondered what would happen if he used it on himself... Nothing would. His healing factor would take care of it before anything could happen. He wasn't going to anyway. But, he could. But he wasn't. But... He could... No! He couldn't.

Peter threw the scalpel down the drain so he wouldn't have to think about it.

And that was two years ago.

He was hurting. He didn't have anyone to care about him. So if he jumped, no one would care, nobody would know. Technically he wasn't hurting himself, cause the alligators in the sewer were probably really hungry for a disabled human boy. Right?

Peter ended up moving so he wouldn't have to think about the hungry alligators.

That was last year.

Currently, Peter considered buying a realistic water gun and threatening Aunt and Uncle to give him their house and all of their money. The very people that caused him the pain he felt. He could make them feel it. They could be homeless and disabled instead. He never asked for money so he didn't have to worry about that either. Plus, how was he going to paralyze them?

Short answer: He couldn't.

So here he was, looking at the sky and contemplating stealing a pet bunny. Yeah, that would keep him company. He always wanted a bunny. But his Aunt and Uncle always said no. It was always no with them."No birthday parties. No friends. No pets. No phone. No going anywhere. No place for you here." He hated the word 'no'. He joked with himself that if he could ever be President, he would make sure the word 'no' was banned.

He wouldn't, because he would never run for president. Like ever.

Peter looked at his cardboard sign and grabbed it aggressively. Taking his marker from his backpack, he wrote on the other side. "Disabled and depressed. Hungry as well. Anything helps." He sighed and sat it back down. He would ask for help, but who did he have that could help? He wanted to ask so bad. Because it hurt, and he wanted relief. He kind of wished someone would just take him home and adopt him. Hopefully they had a bunny. "In your dreams Parker." He whispered to himself. Because it was true.

Those kind of things only happened in his dreams.

Let me know what you think! Like I said before, the full story will be on my AO3 account. So you can check it out if you want. Or don't. My AO3 is really sad.

If you do go check out the full story, consider leaving a comment so I know you came from Wattpad! That would be cool. Anyway, enough of my rambling. Bye for now!

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