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Authors pov

"Hey,hoba wake up" yoongi said while wearing his clothes,he had woken up before hoseok and rushed to the bathroom after seeing the time.

Hoseok didn't even move a muscle.

Yoongi ran his hand in his hair frustratingly.

He then got an idea.He got on the bed and bounced on it making the bed squik and make it uncomfortable to sleep on.

"Dude,we are so late,wake up, damn it" yoongi complained.

Hoseok finally woke up and glared at yoongi with sleepy eyes.

"Instead of doing that,you should have just patted me on the back and I would have woken up"hoseok said to yoongi who was looking at him in disbelief.

He shook his head and went back to wearing his shirt.

Hoseok took his phone and checked the time and almost lost it when he saw the time.

"Why didn't you wake me sooner?!" Hoseok rushed to the bathroom to do his morning routine,he couldn't believe they were ten minutes late.

After they had both finished in the room,they rushed downstairs and took one slice of bread and ate it on the way to the car.Yoongi got in the driver's seat and hoseok went in the passengers seat and they drove to uni.

Once they reached their destination,they rushed out of the car and entered the hall that was basically empty because class was ongoing.

"What do you have?" Hoseok asked yoongi while trying to walk well.

"Uhm... mathematics" yoongi frowned,he hated math even though he was good at it.

"Hmm,same,that means we are going to the same class" hoseok said.

"And this time,I'm seating close to you" yoongi said,not leaving room for any objections.

Hoseok nodded his head.

They reached the dormot of their class and both took a deep breath.

Yoongi opened the door and entered inside, followed by hoseok who hid behind yoongi even though it was impossible since yoongi was smaller than him.

The lecturer stopped his teaching and glared at the two fellows.One looked unbothered while the other looked apologeticly at the lecturer who shook his head in disapproval and turned back to the board.

Both males went to look for a vacant seat and found one that they could seat on.But someone occupied the other seat.the students sat three in one column.

"Hello,is this seat vacant?" Hoseok asked the red head politely and he nodded with a boxy smile.

Yoongi sat at the middle close to the boy while hoseok sat at the left.

The both boys hadn't even settled down yet when the male beside them started bombarding them with questions.

"My name is taehyung,but you can call me taehyungie not taetae tho,only my boyfriend calls me that,oh and my mochi.What's your name?,are you two new here?,I haven't seen you here before,mochi said he met someone yesterday that is new here,it might be one of you,he seemed excited tho,he said he will introduce them to us" taehyung said in one breath and yoongi and hoseok were short of words.

They both looked at each other and then looked at taehyung again.


"And mochi said a guy was rude to him yesterday,he said he is one of the guys he met.How dare he call my chimchim a baboon?,when I get my hands on that dude" yoongi groaned,he was feeling so overstimulated,he just wanted peace but this blabbering alien beside him won't keep his mouth shut.

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