Before The Storm - Part 14

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St. Peter stood at the gates of Heaven, meticulously scanning the Book of Names, the eternal ledger that recorded every soul's deeds and destiny. His routine was interrupted by a sudden ripple in the celestial atmosphere. A portal opened before him, shimmering with an eerie, dark energy that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

From the portal stepped Gabriel, the archangel known for bring god's messenger. But something was off. Gabriel was draped in a long, concealing cloak, the hood pulled low over his face as if he were hiding from prying eyes.

St. Peter blinked in surprise, his fingers tightening around the edge of the book. "Gabriel?" he called out, trying to mask his confusion with a polite smile. "Welcome back."

Gabriel's gaze flickered to him, his eyes barely visible beneath the shadow of his hood. "Peter," he replied, his voice calm but carrying an undercurrent of something St. Peter couldn't quite place.

"What brings you here through... such a portal?" St. Peter ventured, nodding towards the swirling gateway that seemed to hum with the sinister energy of Hell.

Gabriel's mouth tightened, but he forced a smile. "Just handling some matters. Nothing to concern yourself with."

St. Peter hesitated, his mind racing. It wasn't like Gabriel to be so secretive, nor to travel from Hell under such clandestine circumstances. "Of course," he said, stepping aside to allow Gabriel entry.

As Gabriel walked past him, the cloak billowing around him, St. Peter couldn't shake the feeling of unease. What could Gabriel have been doing in Hell? And why did he feel the need to hide it?

Once the gates closed behind Gabriel, St. Peter lingered for a moment, staring at the spot where the portal had been. His thoughts churned with questions and doubts. Something was definitely amiss, and he had a feeling it was only the beginning.


In a grand meeting room adorned with celestial tapestries and radiant light, Michael, Azrael, and Uriel sat around a large, ornately carved table, deep in discussion. Their conversation halted abruptly when the door creaked open, and a cloaked figure stepped inside.

The three archangels glanced up, their eyes narrowing in confusion. Michael was the first to speak. "Who—"

Gabriel lowered his hood, revealing his familiar face, though shadowed with weariness. Michael's expression softened. "Gabriel, welcome back."

Uriel blinked, leaning back in his chair. "I didn't even recognize you at first."

Gabriel offered a weary smile, pulling up a chair to join them. "I needed to be discreet."

Michael nodded, understanding the gravity of Gabriel's mission. "How did it go?"

Gabriel sighed, rubbing his temples before speaking. "I managed to scope out Lucifer's palace. There's limited space to hide Liam when the extermination begins. His guards are tight, but there are a few vulnerable spots we could exploit."

Azrael frowned, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the table. "And the hotel? Charlie's project?"

Gabriel's gaze shifted to Azrael. "I visited the Hazbin Hotel as well. It's... different from what I expected. But if things go awry with our original plan, Charlie herself could be our second option. She's strong, and taking her could disrupt Lucifer's defenses."

Michael considered this, his brow furrowing in thought. "That could work, especially if we want to avoid another confrontation with Lilith. She's unpredictable, and we can't afford to lose more ground."

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