Chapter 14 can two get along

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She looks to him but with a shocked face, she knew what he was going to say, but she didn't want to hear it. If it was said out loud it would make all the more real, the truth was she had lost him to this shedevil. This new woman had taken him somehow, and if she wanted him at all she would have to share.  Just the thought of it made her sick , but the reality was that she had no choice. It was the only way.

Astrid swallowed hard and looked at him "Ok, we will do it your way." she says in a low and painful voice.

Richcool looks at her "Good, so you know what you must do?" He says with a smile.

Astrid looks at him with disgust. She then walks into the room. Astrid swallows all her pride before speaking. "Elsa...and...Hiccup Can we talk?" It all came out in a shaky voice.

Hiccup gets up first and walks over to her. Elsa reluctantly raises from where she's sitting and Astrid could tell Elsa was less than happy to move and to hear her out.

Hiccup takes a breath and says "What can we help you with Astrid?"

Astrid continues speaking "I was just wondering if me and Elsa could share you as a fiancee. We are still engaged, and I still love you. But, I see you have a special bond with her now. So, I think sharing is best for all three of us."

Elsa looked at Astrid. She knew Astrid was right she had just got done talking to Hiccup about things and calming him down. She also knew this was the best course of action. But, she didn't like it at all. Though, despite what she felt she answered "Yes, I believe that is for the best. This way Hiccup doesn't have to choose and nobody has to get hurt."

Both girls looked at each other for a moment and then shook each other's hands. Astrid had the clear upper hand in strength. So, as she squeezed the princess hand she did it as hard as she could. Astrid then drew back her grip as Elsa started to freeze it.

The next few days were a nightmare for the two of them. Both was trying to out do the other. If Astrid kissed Hiccup. Elsa made out with him. If Astrid let him use her lap as a pillow. Elsa let him use her breast for a pillow. They kept trying to one up each other all day and everyday. Showing what the other can do better than the other over and over. Elsa crushed Astrid in archery. Astrid would win in hand to hand combat. Surprisingly, they tied in weapon combat and dragon riding.

It was getting so out of hand now. They were not just trying to show each other who were better in skills, but how much they hated the decision in more ways than one. They were just doing whatever they could do to annoy each other now. Elsa covered Astrid hut in ice, Astrid shot spikes through Elsa's clothes, and all sorts of other harmful little disasters they could think to make the other woman know they weren't happy. Richcool was noticing all of this and he felt enough is enough.

"Okay that will be enough of that. You two are going to have to get along. Because, we are not going back to have you guys destroy our home in your feud." Richcool touches both of them on the shoulder and they both disappear.

Astrid wakes up in a white space next to Elsa. She figures she will get the jump on her. Astrid readies her attack and goes to rage, but nothing happens.

Elsa wakes with Astrid right above her and goes to shoot her with ice, but nothing happens.

"What! Where is my ice! This space is doing something to my power!" Elsa screams.

"No, shit Sherlock, looks like we are in a time out" Astrid says sarcastically.

"How do we get out?" Elsa asked.

Astrid rubs her temples in frustration "My guess is we learn our lesson and the portal opens up and lets us return"Astrid answers.

"So, we are stuck here!?" cries out Elsa

"I guess, because you always want to be better than everyone!" Astrid screams.

Elsa looks down and shies away "You had more time with him. So, I have to work harder just to keep up with you. Elsa says in a low voice.

"I see that's how you feel. If it means anything we were not together that long before he was taken. I was so stupid as a child and a teen. I didn't see what was right in front of my face the whole time. It took us so long to get together. It's not even funny." Astrid says while laughing. She continued to speak "I think that's what pisses me off. The most terrifying thing happened and he had to go. We were just starting our relationship together. Then he goes still in love with me and he comes back. But, with a new girlfriend" she says as tears begin to come down her face.

Elsa doesn't know why she gets up and hugs Astrid. But, they hold onto each other for a while and then let each other go and start to laugh. "We have been fools; haven't we? Fighting with each other. Instead of talking about it" Elsa says as she wipes tears from her eyes.

"Yah, why is it so hard to talk about how you feel?" says Astrid

As she spoke a portal opens up and they knew it was time to go back.

"Welp looks like they are calling us back now. So, after you." Astrid tells Elsa.

Elsa walks through the portal and Astrid after her. As, they came back they saw the base was under attack by the shadows.

Astrid goes into a rage and Elsa follows behind her shooting ice, Astrid throws them into the air and Elsa freezes them. They changed positions. Elsa let's out a blanket of ice freezing the shadows in their tracks. While she's doing that Astrid comes behind her and breaks and smashes them until they make it to the mean battle field. Where they saw Hiccup on the ground about to be shot by Pitch.

Elsa jumps in front of him and freezes Pitch Astrid comes from behind and hits him as hard as she can sending him flying. As the rest of the shadows retreat. The two stand next to each other and share a laugh and then a hug.

"I see, you two worked it out." says Richcool "Wee can now return to the hideout. If we leave they should not attack again. If they do, you know how to call me" Richcool continues.
He opens a portal and they all go in "Okay, let's see how much they destroyed the place while we we're gone"

Ok, that's it for this chapter. As always, please vote and comment and I will see you on the next one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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