You Never Had Chocolate Like This

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Willy pov:

The next morning y/n and I get up bright and early to sell my chocolate. I'm so excited, I can't wait! It's just before ten and the smart, snooty shops are being readied for the day's trade. Window blinds are raised and canopies unfurled in unison. Then, on the stroke of ten, uniformed doormen open the gates. We made our way past affluent shoppers to the centre. I touch the pocket where I keeps my old bar of chocolate for reassurance in one hand and held y/n's hand with the other. Y/N gave my hand a comforting squeeze before I laid my case down as a stage and whisper, "Here we go, Mamma." I took a deep breath and leaped on top of my case. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE GALERIES GOURMET!" I shouted to gain attention.
Y/n stood on the sidelines, she never liked to be in the spot light.

I stood my cane on the ground where it magically stays upright. I pressed a button. An arm flipped out from the side and a tiny flag embroidered with 'W' unfurled. "My name is Willy Wonka, and I have come to show you a marvellous morsel, an incredible edible, an unbeatable eatable the likes of which this world has never seen, so quieten up and listen down." I realized my mistake before correcting myself. "No. Scratch that, reverse it. I give you the Hoverchoc." I pulled a jar of chocolates out of my hat and blew a little tooter before I started singing.

"In a jungle near Mumbai, There's a little hover-fly, whose wings go at a thousand flaps a sec And that's no lie! These microscopic fleas like chocolate more than leaves, And when asked nicely lay precisely one little egg in each of these!" As I sang people started to gather around and a small crowed formed. I couldn't help but grin. "When it hatches from its shell, it gives a happy yell! How thrilling to be living in a chocolate hotel! It beats its wings with glee, and then as you will see, The chocolate will levitate and float most gracefully..." I opened the lid and the chocolates rose up from out the jar until they hung in mid air, I heard the crowd gasp. I had their interest peaked before, now I got their full attention. "Well there's chocolate, And there's chocolate! Only mine can make your eyes Pop out their socke-lets! Put your hand into your pocke-let! Get yourself some Wonka chocolate! Come now I insist, You've never had chocolate like this! No, you've never had chocolate like this!" The crowd bursted into applause and I asked, "Now, who wants to try one?"

"I will." a man said emerging from the crowd as well as two others. It was Slugworth, Ficklegruber, and Prodnose! It's finally happening, the moment that I've been dreaming of. My idols are going to try my chocolate.

"Mr Slugworth, sir! Mr Fickelgruber! And Mr Prodnose! What an honour! Ever since I was a little-- Boy!" Slugworth gave me a bone crushing handshake. I think I heard a crack... that's not good. Y/N glares at him for that but I wasn't too bothered. "That's quite a handshake!"

"It's a business handshake, Mr Wonka. Lets people know I mean business. Now come along, let's try one of these so-called 'Hoverchocs'." Slugworth, Fickelgruber and Prodnose each plucked a chocolate out of the air and they pop them in their mouths.

"Ooh! Ooh it's not just chocolate, is it? There's... marshmallow." Prodnose asked in a childlike manner.

"Harvested from the mallow-marshes of Peru." I answered proudly.

"And caramel. But it's..." Ficklegruber interjected.

"Salted. With the bittersweet tears of a Russian clown."

"And is that... Surely not! Cherry?" Slugworth asked in disbelief.

"Cherry-picked by the pick of the cherry-pickers from the Imperial Gardens in Japan."

Slugworth, Ficklebgruber, and Prodnose all glanced at each other. I excitedly wait for their reaction, they'll love it. I'm sure. "Well, Mr Wonka, I've been in this business a very long time, and I can safely say, that of all the chocolate I've ever tasted, this is without doubt, the absolute one hundred percent worst." Slugworth said.

I grinned and turned to the audience not knowing that y/n didn't share my same reaction "There we have it, Ladies and Gentlemen! An endorsement from Mr Slugworth himsel-- Wait!" I realized what he said. He didn't like it? "The worst?!"

"We three are the fiercest of rivals but we agree on one thing. A good chocolate should be simple, plain, uncomplicated."

"Whereas this, with all its bells and whistles, well, it's just..." Ficklegruber trailed off.

"Weird." Prodnose finished for him.

What? Based on their reaction I thought that they liked it. I guess not. I just hoped that they would like it because everyone else who has tried it liked my chocolate. Then I remembered the side effects of the chocolate. "Oh! The shame! The terrible shame!"

"Don't be downhearted, Mr Wonka. So you're not a chocolatier. There are many other lines of business." Slugworth tried to comfort me.

"Although I'd avoid fashion!" Ficklegruber smirked. That was rude and uncalled for.

"What did you just say?" Y/N glared daggers and him and started to walk towards Ficklegruber obviously about to fight him. To prevent her from doing so I wrapped my arms around her from behind and rested my chin on her shoulder to calm her down.

The crowd tittered at the jab. I wasn't bothered, I know that I don't have the best conditioned clothes and my tastes are bolder than most. "Oh I don't mean it's a shame for me. It's a shame for you."

"Excuse me?" Slugworth questioned.

"If you thought the chocolate was weird, you're going to hate what happens next." Everyone gasped as Slugworth started to float in the air.

"What's happening? What's going on?!" He asked panicked.

"It's the hoverfly! It's broken out of its chocolate cocoon and is flapping its wings like billy-o!" I responded calmly. Prodnose and and Ficklegruber started to rise as well. Prodnose fliped over backwards making his wig fall off. I picked it up and threw it back to him.

"You mean a fly's doing this?!" Ficklegruber asked.

"Yes but don't worry, it'll be completely unharmed! In about twenty minutes, it'll get tired and exit through your rear."

"You what?!"

"He means we're going to fart them out of our botties!" Prodnose explained not understanding that Ficklegruber's question was rhetorical.

"I know what he meant!" he snapped.

"You're off your rocker, Wonka! Who in their right mind would want a chocolate that makes you fly?!" Slugworth asked cutting off his associates.

"Let's find out, shall we? Who's for a Hoverchoc? A sovereign a piece!" I asked the crowd. They started clamouring for chocolates. Y/N and I handed them out while people dropped coins in my jar. I smiled happily as one by one, people floated in the air. A dutchess floated past with her dog on a lead, both had the time of their lives. An elderly nun was doing somersaults. I grabbed y/n's hand and spun us around, relished the crowd's joy, then I doffed my hat to Noodle, whom I spotted at the back of the crowd not letting go of y/n's hand. Noodle waved back, happy and a little surprised. Then suddenly, from out of nowhere a policeman blew a whistle.

Sweeter Than Chocolate (Willy Wonka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now