Scrub Scrub

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Willy's pov:

Y/N and I looked around as officers descended from all directions led by the chief of police. What happened? Did I do something wrong? I don't think I did but then again I was charged for daydreaming so I don't know what would pass as a crime here. "Beat it kid." the chief of police said to Noodle. That's rude, why would he do that? I understand him wanting a child to leave but at least be nice about it. She gave me an apologetic glance. Why is she sorry? She did nothing wrong. "Alright, folks! Nothing to see here! Just a small group of people defying the laws of gravity. Hook 'em, boys." The crowd dispersed and some officers pulled the customers that were still floating out of the arcade like balloons. The chief of police approached me and said, "I'm afraid we've had complaints about you, sir."

"Complaints?" I asked in confusion, everyone seemed to enjoy it beside the chocolate cartel. Y/N crossed her arms and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"That you've been disrupting the trade of other businesses. I'm regrettably obliged to move you on and confiscate your earnings." He took our jar of sovereigns squirming under y/n's glare. How are we going to pay for our room?

"Hey!" I protested.

"Don't worry, it's going to a good cause. Sick kids or something." he said nervously as y/n was in no doubt planning his murder. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Sorry, Sir. Rules are rules."

"Could you at least leave us a sovereign? We need to pay for our room." I nodded my head towards y/n.

The chief of police looked around making sure that no one was looking before he handed me a sovereign. "Here."

"Thank you." At dusk I headed back to Scrubbit's and Bleacher's. As I entered the clock chimed six and Bleacher was closing the shutters for the night.

"Evening, Mr. Wonka and Ms. L/N! How'd it go?" Mrs. Scrubbit asked politely.

"Not quite as well as I'd hoped." I answered honestly.

"Oh dear. Well I'm afraid we do have to settle up now." she said sympathetically.

"Thankfully, the room's taken care of. I believe we said a sovereign?" I asked while setting the sovereign on the counter.

"For the room, yes. But you two have incurred one or two extras during the course of your guys's residency with us."

"Have we?" I asked, confused. I don't remember using any extras and I know that y/n didn't.

Mrs. Scrubbit opened her ledger and started totting up my bill. "Yes, you have. There was that glass of gin you had when you arrived. And if I remember rightly, you warmed your cockles by the fire."

"He did indeed, Mrs. Scrubbit." Bleacher chimed in. I looked around nervously and noticed that Bleacher was bolting the door.

"Cockle-warming is extra, see?"

" They both used the stairs to get to his room and all."

"Are you serious?" Y/N asked I'm disbelief.

"Then you've got your stair charge, and that's per step, I'm afraid, up and down. Now tell me, Mr Wonka and Ms. L/N, did you happen to use the mini-bar?"

"There's a mini-bar?" I asked, confused. I didn't see one in the room.

"Mini-bar of soap." Bleacher clarified.

"By the sink." Mrs. Scrubbit added.

"We might have... briefly." I admitted. Y/N gently smacked my arm for revealing that information.

"Ooh hoo!" Bleacher cheered."

"See, even Bleacher knows you never touch the mini-bar and he was raised in a ditch. Add in your mattress hire, linen lease, pillow penalty and you're looking at... ten thousand sovereigns and eight thousand sovereigns." We both looked Mrs. Scrubbit in disbelief.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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