Meeting Each Other

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It was another day of selling papes to the people of New York for the Newsies. Jack was the first to get his 50, the Cruchie, then Race, but before the rest of them could there was a new guy. "Ahh, a new guy," Wiesel said, getting everyone's attention. 

"Or should I say a new girl," he finished. After he said that the new guy was a girl the rest of the newsies started to whisper to each other. "Look, just give me what I paid for and I'll be on my way alright?" The girl said. 

Wiesel scoffed and looked next to him saying to just give the girl the papers. As she was about to leave, she noticed that this was not the right amount that she paid for. "Hey, what's with this? This isn't the right amount." Wiesel looked at her like she was crazy. "What you trying to get more papes without paying?" He asked in a pissed tone. 

 Everyone stopped what they were doing and started to pay attention to what was going to happen next. Jack was about to go and help out the new girl, but before he could she said, "No, what I'm saying is that your little sidekick here can't count right." The Newsies were surprised at what she had said, while Oscar looked like he was going to punch her right in the face.

 Jack walked up to the new girl and took her papes out of her hand. Before she could say anything Jack started to agree with her. "She's right Weasel, this ain't the right amount." he said. In the end the girl got the right amount of papes, thanked Jack though she didn't know who he was, and went to sell them. 

After selling them all she went back to the before and saw Jack sitting on a stack of papers. "Hey, I just wanted to thank you again for what you did earlier." she said. " Ahh, don't worry about Oscar ain't all the smart in the head so he don't get it right all's the time." Jack said, making her laugh. Jack invited her to sit down with him , which she took. "You gotta name beautiful?" Jack asked her. "Mackenzie, Mackenzie Ford, but most people call me Kenzie." She said blushing from what Jack had called her. " Well I'm not most people, so I'm a call you Mack. Names Jack Kelly." Jack said, putting his hand out to greet her right this time. They shook hands then Mackenzie said, "Nobody has ever called my Mack before, it's nice for a change." 

" Well, guess that means I's got my own name for you then." Jack said. 

" Yeah, I guess it does."  Mackenzie said back 

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