Asking Mack Out

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        Jack has been acting weird lately, everybody has noticed it, but what makes it even weirder is that it's' only around Mackenzie. One day, Jack, Cruchie and Davey were all talking with each other then Mackenzie came and joined them, because they are the ones who became the closest with her. But once Mackenzie reached them Jack went all quick and he barely looked at her the whole time that they were talking. 

          After a few days the others were catching on to the fact that there was something bothering Jack. "Hey Davey, Crunchie, do you guys have any idea what's going on with Jack lately?" Kenzie asked them. "No, but I am starting to get worried that there is something wrong because he isn't acting like himself." Davey said. "Right? And I have no idea either." Kenzie said back. "Why don't you just go talk to him bout it, Kenz?" Crunchie said. "You're right, I will." Kenzie said walking towards Jack penthouse. "Why'd you do that? Do you know what's going with Jack?" Davey asked Crunchie. "Course I know what's happenin with Jack, but hopefully you'll find out soon." Crunchie told him to go towards the other boys. 

 After some walking Mackenzie finally reaches Jack's penthouse, and goes up the ladder. "Jack?" she calls out. "Mack, what's you doing here?" Jack asks her. "Looking for you. You've been avoiding me and I'm getting worried." Mack tells him. "Oh I'm sorry I's didn't means to worry you. I's just got a lot goin on." Jack says. "Well , I'm if you want to talk about it." Mack tells him. "That's the thing, you's the one person that I's can't talk to about this." Jack says walking towards the other end of the penthouse. "

Jack, you can talk to me about anything, what are you saying?" Mack asked. "Well not this." " Why, what is so bad that you can't talk to me about it?" Mack asked, getting impatient. "Cause I's like you! Ok?" Jack said getting closer to her. Mackenzie just stared at him in shock. " See's dis is why I's didn't want's to tell's you." Jack said walking away from Kenzie and towards the ladder to go back down. Mackenzie shook herself out of her shock state and realized that Jack was gone and went after him.

Once Mackenize reached the ground she saw Jack walking away and tried catching up with him. "Jack! Jack, wait will ya?" Kenzie said. Jack stopped walking, while Kenzie walked in front of him. "Look you's don't have to say's anything alright? I's just needed to get that off my's chest." Jack said, looking at the ground. Mackenzie sighed and took Jack's face in her hands. Once she got Jack to look at her she kissed him. At first Jack was shocked but after a second he kissed her back. "I like you too. Ok?" Kenzie said. "Yeah?" Jack said, smiling with his hands on her waist. "Yeah." Kenzie said laughing, while putting her arms around Jack's neck. 

They just stay there staring into each other's eyes. "You's wanna come to one of Mrs. Medda's shows with me?" Jack asked her. "What you mean like a date?" Kenize asked. Jack nodded and said, "Yeah, Mack like a date." They start laughing again and then Mack says, "Yeah Jack, I'll go on a date with you." "Yeah?" Jack says with a smirk on his face. "Yeah." After that, they kissed once more and walked back to where the rest of the gang was hand in hand.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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