Chapter 3 ~ Gianna

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Gianna Rostava

"Damn, and I thought you were rich!" Camilla says staring jaw dropped at Matteos mansion. It's like it had gotten bigger since the last time I saw it.

"This place is massive." I mutter, the moving van and workers had already started working towards bringing my stuff inside Matteos house.

I heard the sound of a car from behind me and turn to see Matteo and someone else getting out of an expensive looking car. I didn't know much about them but I could tell just by looks of it, it was something more than the average persons yearly rent.

The person standing beside Matteo looked nothing like him at all. I didn't even take Matteo as the type to have friends in the first place, he'd scare them off in an instant.

Before I could process another thought, the golden retriever looking person smiled and shook my hand warmly while Matteo looked as annoyed as ever.

"Alessandro. And you are?" I pulled my gaze away from Matteo who was looking at anything but me and my eyes finally focused on the man infront of me.

"Gianna, but everyone else just calls me Gia." I reply, Alessandro nods and turns to see Camilla just beside me, asking her the same question.

"Camilla." She says back.

Alessandro phone rings in that instant. "Excuse me a moment." he says to the both of us.

Alessandro turns his back to us and answers the call. His eyes change slightly with a tint of sadness in them. It was obvious what ever was being said on the other side of the phone wasn't good news.

He turns back to us, "I'm sorry, but we'll have to cut our meeting short."

"Oh, okay" I say back and Camilla nods politely in response.

Alessandro clearly had issues to sort out and I didn't wanna get in the way of it, just as he leaves Camilla turns to me with a certain look in her eyes

"I'm gonna leave you and your husband to have your 'alone time'." She puts quotations around the last bit as she winks at me.

I roll my eyes in a playful manner, "He's my fiancé." I correct.

"Basically husband." She's says in a sing-song tone before giving me a hug leaving in her car.

I watch and wave as she drives out of the gate before finally turning to look around taking in the huge mansion but my thoughts didn't last long when our if the corner of my eye I saw Matteo exiting leaving me alone outside.

I walk after him, having to take extra big steps to keep up.

"Aren't you going to give me a tour?" I ask expectantly, I laugh nervously.

"No." He said simply, without looking at me.

It wasn't a high maintenance thing to ask, right? I mean, how much was it to ask that my 'lovely' husband show me around his unusually large house.

"Why not?" I ask having to speed up my walking pace since he was practically speeding away from me. He still looked fabulous doing it, I mean, the way his hair-. No. He's a jerk. And jerks are ugly, inside and out.

"Figure it out." He says dismissively.

"This place his huge!" I say a little louder than I would have hoped but it still stated my point so I didnt take it back.

I watch as he raised an eyebrow at me and rolled his eyes before whipping his phone out and within 20 seconds a woman slightly older than me possibly 20 years old walked in dressed in a maids uniform.

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