3) Meeting you - both

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As you sit in the tavern, reading your book waiting for your drunken father to finish a business deal with some noblemen, also drunken men, you can't help but shame the feeling that someone is watching you.

You look around but everyone is to their usual business of drinking, laughing, cheering and some arguments. You draw your focus back to your book and carry on reading, hoping that your father will hurry. He does this most weekends and always drags you along too since he doesn't feel comfortable leaving you alone in the manor at night, especially with all of these brutal murders that have been occurring all around town.

You finish your book after an hour and you still feel like you're being watched. You close the book and look around slowly, this time examining everyone in the room, noticing the small details like the small scar on the side of the bartender's face or the uneven makeup on the prostitute swooning over your dad and his business rivals. You roll your eyes and carry on scanning the room. It was quite a busy night for some reason so it was rather crowded.

Suddenly, someone walked back into you and dropped their beer on the floor which splattered all over the skirt of your dress. The man apologises, slurring his words and laughing while caressing your face. You push him away and walk out of the tavern, refusing to sit in there any longer despite your father's rules. He's drunk anyways.

You sit on a bench close to the tavern entrance and hold your shawl tightly around your arms and your shoulders since it was a cold night. You were slightly wishing that you'd stayed inside at this point but you knew your table would have been taken by now.

You look down at your dress to see the alcohol stain left on your white skirt. "Silly of me to wear white to a tavern"you thought to yourself.

As your head was down two men sat either side of you. You looked straight up and saw a man with long blonde hair and the palest skin and another rather pale man with long brown hair. They were both very attractive. The blonde one removed his jacket and placed it around your shoulders.

At first you refused as it was too cold for him to wear just a jacket.

"Oh sir, no, it's way too cold for you to be in just a shirt" you said.

"Mademoiselle, I insist" he says, the words rolling off his tongue in a low seductive tone. You don't reply and just allow him to place the jacket around your shoulders.

"Thankyou sir" you say.

"You're welcome milady" he smiles at you. "My name is Lestat De lioncourt and my friend here is Louis De Point Du Lac, and you are?"

"Y/n, my name is y/n" you smile.

Lestat lifts your hand and kisses it softly, making you blush and try incredibly hard to hide it by looking down and giggling. Louis smiles at your bashfulness.

"Are you new here?" Louis asks. His voice also low and seductive.

"Sort of, my father and I moved here about a month ago but I rarely leave the house, my father is quite overprotective despite being drunk all the time"You laugh.

Louis and Lestat smile.

"Ah makes sense, I would have noticed a pretty girl like you from miles away. You're simply beautiful" Lestat says.

"Thankyou" you smile and were about to say something else when your dad bursted out the door bellowing your name but stopped when he saw you.

"What do you think you're doing, it's below freezing, get in the carriage we are leaving. Who are they?" Your father asks gesturing to the two boys.

You were about to answer when he shook his head and yelled at you to get in the carriage. Clearly the business deal didn't go well. You turn back to Louis and lestat.

"I apologise for my father, he's rather rowdy. Anyways, I hope I see you around some place else.. without my father there" you smile.

"Of course, goodnight miss y/n" Lestat smiles at you and Louis bows his head slightly like a small nod to say goodnight. You walk away into the carriage to return home. The whole journey home you just think about the two mesmerising men you have just met. When will you see them again?

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