Character Reviews & Opinions

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This is probably very boring. It's basically me analyzing some main SGE characters and giving my weird opinions. I was doing it to practice for a Film Study assignment, and I was like. Well. I guess I could publish it for no reason at all...?

Anyways, if you want to read it, knock yourself out :)


My opinion: I love Agatha. It's sort of impossible not to. I think her development is quite interesting- and it's not development in her personality, it's development in how she sees the world. It was executed flawlessly. I'm always rooting for her. She tends to have peoples best interests at heart, and while she likes taking control, she's well-intentioned. Very relateable to me, and I like that about her.

Good/Evil: Agatha is as good as it gets. She's like the original disney princesses who have no flaws but are still super likeable. Except she likes spaghetti and eats enough, which is cool. Definitely good, not a drop of cruelty in this girl.

Best moment: It's actually really hard to pick. The ones that stand out are from the first and third books. Her realizing she's been beautiful all along and then exposing the reality behind the wolves & fairies, or her putting on the crown.

Worst moment: I don't think she should've let Sophie keep making moves on Tedros in the third book, and I also think she's too controlling of things in the fifth and sixth books. She needs to know when to put her foot down, and when to let things move naturally.

Best trait: Being confident, endlessly sarcastic, and having completely pure and respectable intentions.

Worst trait: Way, way, way too controlling. Not in a toxic way, but in a way that makes things go South a lot.


My opinion: Personally, I love Sophie. She's clever, funny, and complex. Her character provides a lot of area that's fun to explore, and she's terribly charming. I think I've loved Sophie the whole way through, with the exception of the time she burns Hort's frog pajamas (never forgive) and attacks Hester with bees.

Good/Evil: I could write an essay about this, but I'm not going to. Everyone knows about Sophie's good/evil arc. The point is that it's complicated as hell.

Best moment: I absolutely love the time she cuts Evelyn's dress and tries to convince Japeth and Rhian that there's poison in it. It may not have worked, but it helped show how clever and cunning she can be.

Worst moment: When she calls Agatha a witch. She grows a lot since then, but she does a lot of not-good things to her best friend/sister.

Best trait: Her loyalty to Agatha.

Worst trait: Vanity and being very stubborn. She doesn't like to accept or try new things.


My opinion: I'm going to be honest. I know this isn't a terribly popular opinion, but Tedros is actually one of my favorite chracters in the series. I think he's funny, and very well-meaning. I do understand that he is often a bit thick-headed, and doesn't respect everyone the way he should. However, I found his development really interesting and think he's generally a super interesting and entertaining character.

Good/Evil: I absolutely think that of the evers, Tedros is one of the more never-like ones. There's the scene when he visits the Mistral sisters and is suddenly like a strange princey Aric, and that changed my perspective of him entirely. He seems so naive and "Good", but there is absolutely a darkside to him, and I would've loved to see it explored more in the books.

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