Hogwarts AU Headcanons

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I've seen people do Harry Potter AUs with SGE, and just saw this article that housed all of the characters, so I decided to make my own. I might write stories about it at some point, it's definitely a fun idea to me :)


Gryffindor: Tedros, Hester, Beatrix, Chaddick

Hufflepuff: Hort, Dot, Kiko, William, Bogden

Ravenclaw: Agatha, Reena, Nicola, Ravan

Slytherin: Sophie, Anadil, Aric, Japeth, Rhian


Hort is a werewolf, though this fact is not known by any of his peers.

Anadil is a seer. Neither she nor anyone else knows this yet.

Beatrix is a metamorphmagus, but she doesn't use the ability often.

Japeth is a parselmouth.


Tedros, Chaddick

They're best friends, and love rooming together. They have, however, gotten in trouble for numerous "incidents" including but not limited to: Flying inside, intentionally creating volatile potions and blowing them up.

Hester, Beatrix

They initially despised each other, mostly because they're very different and neither of them were very open to new ideas. Hester was almost expelled after poisoning Beatrix's butterbeer. Beatrix had detention for an entire month after using incendio on Hester's bed. They called a cease-fire in second year, but continue to pull less destructive pranks.

William, Bogden, Hort

William and Bogden are delighted by the arrangement. Those two are the bane of Hort's existence. He tried to get switched to literally anywhere else, but nothing changed.

Dot, Kiko

Being possibly the two most amicable students in Hogwarts, no issues have ever occured in Dot and Kiko's room. They seem to get along very well, and enjoy rooming together.

Agatha, Reena, Nicola

These three stay completely out of each other's way. They don't often speak to each other, and seem to be perfectly happy with this arrangement. They're all very studious, and the room is usually near silent.

Sophie, Anadil

Sophie and Anadil don't like sharing the room. Neither of them trusts the other at all. Sophie is sure Anadil will kill her in her sleep. Anadil has no idea how a girl like Sophie is a slytherin, and thinks she's hiding something.

Aric, Japeth, Rhian (Slytherins)

These three have been the cause of more disasters than Tedros, Chaddick, Hester, and Beatrix combined. Rhian and Aric hate eachother's guts and aren't quiet about it at all. Japeth hates everyone but Rhian and Aric. The whole situation is a complete mess.


Tedros comes from one of the most respected wizard families ever. He was partly raised by his mother, late father, and the infamous wizard, Merlin. He doesn't usually talk about his family as it's been associated with a number of scandals.

Agatha's a half-blood. Her mother was a witch, her father is a muggle. Her mother was known to be quite a good alchemist, but unfortunately did not pass this on to her daughter. Agatha lived with her mother until she passed shortly before Agatha was enrolled in Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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