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Slowly opening my eyes, the first thing I saw was the wooden ceiling of the Ares cabin. After a long moment of just laying there in bed, I finally sat up. 

Rubbing my eyes with my sleeve, a loud yawn escaped me. Smacked my lips, I felt how dry my mouth was.

Seeing something in the corner of my eye, I turned to see a glass of water on the nightstand next to the bed.

Without hesitation, I reached over and grabbed the glass. Being it up to my lips and steadily drinking it all, feeling a little of the water run down my chin.

Feeling the dryness disappear, a sigh of satisfaction left me when moving the glass away before wiping the water off my chin.

Putting the empty glass back down on the nightstand, I laid back in bed. Pulling the covers up over me and snuggling deep into my pillow. Closing my eyes and falling back to sleep.

But that was quickly ruined when a loud animal cry filled the cabin and a tiny something crashed against my head.

Small but sharp talons began pulling on my hair. Ignoring it, I turned around to lay on my side. Making the assault against me stop for just a moment before the pulling of my hair started up again and became more aggressive.

The sound of wings flapping and loud shirking made my ears ring.

Having enough of this torture, I sat up, the blanket slipping off me as I pushed the small owlet away. "I'm up."

He cooed innocently, jumping down on the bed and looked up at me. Watching as I looked down at it with a tilted head and slightly glowing, tired eyes. "What do you want?"

Hooting in response, the glow in my eyes simmer down. "That's today?" He hooted again. "Yes, yes. I'm going."

Grabbing the blanket and tossing it off, I got up from bed and went over to my nightstand, pulling open the drawer where my clothes were in.

Changing into a white tank top and black joggers. Slipping on my heavy, black combat boots.

Tightly tying the laces, I grabbed the bed when I was done and stood back up. Strolling out the Ares Cabin without a care.

The small owlet cried out from behind and took flight, following from the sky.

Walking down the path, demigods threw glances my way, a few quickly averting their gaze else where while a few brave souls spoke whispers. But none were brave enough to stand in my way.

Took a few minutes to reach the training grounds. Sounds of children grunting, getting tossed around, and swords clashing filled the air.

Stepping out of the treeline, I looked around at the children that were practicing and swiftly spotted the curly hair warrior that was fiddling with the pure white feather necklace that hanged around her neck. Arms crossed. Off at the side.

Seeing her, I turned and went up to her. Ignoring everyone else.

Just a few feet away, her head perked up and she turned. Grinning at the sight of me approaching her. Removing her hand from the necklace, she uncrossed her arms and let them hang at her side.
"Nice to see you're not dead, Sleeping Beauty."

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