Visiting Aunty 'Em

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Going back to ignoring Blonde and Grover, I watched as the darkness at my finger tips slowly faded away.

Sighing, I turned my attention back to Spoon. The small owlet looking up at me with a slight hint of worry. "I'm alright." He hooted, still struggling against my stomach.

"Guys, you need to open that window! Now!" Looking up, Annabeth rushed over to us. Looking panicked before snapping her head back when hearing something. Is that who I think it is?

"I don't think these windows are supposed to-oh no." There was a loud shriek that made me sit up, looking over the seats, I saw Alecto, an underling of Hades, in her true form.

Blonde and Grover shot up from their seats and quickly went to the escape window behind them. Pushing against it until it came off and shattered before the bus alarm turned on.

"Everyone, leave your belongings and exit the front of the bus." The normal people got up from the seats and went to leave, blocking Alecto's path.

I sighed, not moving from my seat as I gently grabbed Spoon and placed him back onto my shoulder. "Annabeth, Lila, let's go!" I don't run.

Hearing another shriek of a Fury, I turned to see
one flying towards the open window, fast.

Slipping into the shadows with Spoon and my bag just as the Fury flew inside the bus and crashing into the bathroom Blonde was complaining about earlier.

Making my way out the bus from the escape window in the shadows, I traveled through the shadows and went into the forest.

Going a great distance before stopping and coming back out.

A groan left me as I rubbed the back of my neck. Feeling even more exhausted and hungry than more. After a moment, I looked around. Noticing that I was alone.

Sighing, I sat down on the ground and leaned back into a tree. Closing my eyes after a moment.

Spoon hopped off my shoulder and flew up to one of the nearby trees, taking a seat on one of the branches. "Keep an eye out, okay Spoon?" He hooted. And with that, I finally fell asleep.

A wavering cry woke me up. Opening my eyes, I lift a hand and rubbed my eyes. Hearing, the sound of the trio I was traveling with arguing once more. How annoying.

"If we call camp, we're basically saying it was a mistake to choose us." I got up from the ground and dust off the dirt. Turning my head to look at the trio.

Blonde shrugged. "I'm completely comfortable with that. Everyone makes mistakes." Annabeth stopped and looked back at him. "Why are you so afraid of who you are?"

"What?" His attention shifted to me standing a few feet behind Annabeth. His eyes widening. "Lila is that you?" He shouted, making Grover and Annabeth turned to look at me as well. "Where did you go?"

I yawned, picking up my bag and walking over to them. "That's none of your concern."

"Umm, it is since you literally disappeared when we got off the bus. Actually, I don't even remember seeing you leave the bus. What's up with that?"

"As I said." I looked at Blonde, my eyes narrowed at him and started to glow. "None of your concern." Frowning, he reached an hand over to me. My eyes widened. "Don't touch me!"

I yelled, body shaking as I stared at his hand in which he quickly pulled away from me. Making me relax as he looked at me confused.

Taking deep breaths, Blonde shook his head and turned his attention back to Grover when he spoke, trying to defuse the situation. "You know, what's interesting about this particular satyr path is it's actually the one my Uncle Ferdinand took when we set out on his own quest."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05 ⏰

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