Chapter 4-Tears and Fruit Loops

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Amelia’s P.O.V

I strolled down the stairs in my pj’s, rubbing the sleepiness away from my eyes. “Mum!” I called out, “Do we have any-WAH!”

And that was when I accidently missed the very last step of the stairs, tripped, and fell flat on my face. “Shit!” I yelled, rubbing forehead and standing up.

“Amy!” My mom scolded, “Language, please!”

“It’s not my fault the floor attacked me.” I objected, “That thing is dangerous! Why didn’t we get softer flooring? Like…like…that stuff they use for trampolines! We could do flips while waiting for the ads on T.V to finish!” I carry on waving my arms around.

My mum just shakes her head laughing and replies, “And if we did, you would be complaining about it within the very week!” I grumbled and muttered under my breath as I made my way over to the kitchen, but truth to be told, she did have a point. I grab a bowl and some fruit loops from the cabinet, filling it up to halfway. I walk over to the fridge only to find…there was no milk.

“Are you fucking kidding me?!”

“Amelia! That is enough swearing young lady!”

“But mum!” I whine, “There’s no milk left! My fruit loops are going to be milk-less! Milk-less!” I walk over to her and grab her by the shoulders, and shake her violently while yelling, “MILK-LESS I SAY! MILK-LESS!”

“Amy! Calm down.” My mum says to me, trying her hardest not to laugh. I stop shaking her and take a step back. Then putting on my most serious face I say, “No mother, I will not calm down. For I, had a dream, a dream where all the cereals had a sufficient amount of milk. No, not just fruit loops or cornflakes, but every single cereal you have ever seen!”

My mother falls into a fit of giggles and soon after I do too.

“What are you two chortling about?” My father walks in, dressed in a sharp suit and holding his briefcase.

“Chortling Dad, really?” I say giving him an unimpressed look.

“Well if you must know dear,” my Mum says slyly, “Your daughter has been screaming about fruit loops for the past twenty minutes.”

“It so hasn’t been twenty minutes!” I object.

“Either way you only have ten minutes left to get ready for school, young lady.”

"What?!” I shriek before rushing upstairs, abandoning my milk-less cereal. Poor cereal. Behind me I hear Dad asking why on earth I was screaming about fruit loops.

I quickly storm into my room and rummage through my closet, in search of something nice to wear. Hey, that’s kinda cute. I remember Stacey picked it out for me…Oh dammit! Stacey! I totally forgot all about our argument last night. Okay, I will wear this and then figure out some way to apologize to Stacey on the drive to school. I changed into the outfit, put on some foundation, mascara and lip gloss and stepped back, looking at myself in the mirror.

I was wearing a backless, light pink dress that was floral up the top and fell in silky waves at the bottom, ending mid-thigh. I quickly brushed my unruly hair and put on a pair of flats. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I walk out the door yelling a goodbye to my parents. I quickly hop into my truck and drive over to Zyler’s place. I sit in the car silently for about twenty seconds, before I begin frantically honking the horn. Eventually Zyler walks out the door, hands clamped tightly over his ears.

“Fucking hell!” is the first thing Zyler says once he gets in. I just smile and change the subject.

“You remember yesterday when you offered to help me out anyway you can?’ I say sweetly, reversing out of his driveway.

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