oneshot - sleepy

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here's a oneshot bc i MAY or may not be having writer's block!!

It was finals season, Hester and Anadil made a schedule for cramming. They had a cycle- for the first day, Hester and Anadil would study together. On the second, Hester would stay up studying, and on the third Anadil would stay up studying. Repeat.

They never discussed this system, but it worked for them without having to say anything.

However, Anadil decided she needed to study extra more and stayed up too late one night.

- - -

Anadil was fast asleep, her body fully submerged in the covers.

Hester got up for class, and started cursing immediately, tripping over things on the floor. She looked back, expecting Anadil to tell her to shut up.

To her surprise, Ani was asleep- she was usually up a little before Hester. She decided it would be better to not curse inanimate objects out today.

Hester prepared to take out her books, almost ready to go to class. Anadil was still asleep. She wondered if she should wake her up...

No. Nevers don't care about whether or not their roommates are up in time. But... Anadil would probably wake her up. So she decided to anyway. She walked over to Anadil's bed and nudged her gently.

"Ani," she whispered. "Get up. We have to go to class soon."

Anadil groaned.

"I'm tired."

"Then you shouldn't have stayed up so late studying."

Andil mumbled incoherently. Hester rolled her eyes and pulled Anadil's covers off.

She dragged her out of bed.

"Let's go."

Anadil buried her face in her hands in class, clearly very exhausted.

Professor Sheeba Sheeks had been going on about her lecture for 30 minutes now. Suddenly, she said,

"Anadil. How does one unlock the true potential of their special talent?"

Anadil snapped back into focus, zoned out before. Hester quickly scrawled the answer on a paper and tilted it a little discreetly so Anadil could see.

"By either feeling an emotion very strongly, or being completely at ease," Anadil said calmly.

"Good," Professor Sheeks said.

Anadil raised her eyebrows and gave Hester a relieved look that said 'thank you'.

Anadil tiredly trailed behind Hester in the lunch line while the wolves dumped sludge (gruel) into their plates. She didn't notice Hester not so discreetly looking back at her to make sure she was okay.

After all their classes were over for the day, the coven returned to their dorm room. Despite her exhaustion, she spread out all her books and notes on her bed, planning to study. Hester looked over on the bed next to hers and paused.

"Anadil. What are you doing?"

"Studying. Obviously.." Anadil was cut off by a yawn escaping from her lips.

"Ani, you were falling asleep in all your classes today. Just rest,"

"Nope! It's finals week."

"You sound like Hester," Dot chimed in. Hester glared at her from her peripheral view.

Finally, Hester got up. She went over to Anadil's bed and started snapping all her books shut and taking her papers away.

"Hey!" Anadil yelped.

"You can have these back once you sleep." Hester stated assertively, placing all her books on her nightstand. Hester pulled the covers over Anadil and then sat on her own bed.

"I'm gonna make sure you go to sleep."

Anadil huffed and covered her face with the blanket.

She was sound asleep in a matter of minutes.

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