[04] - [Goals and Ambition]

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Inside of a dark room, a few lights on the walls were dimly lit. Though they only provided minimal light, it was enough to show the size of the large room. Long tables lined the room, each with various people sitting at them with tablets provided a small amount of the light as well.

All of them were important figures within their respective organizations. Vanadis Institute with a middle aged, lightly tan skinned man with slick black hair, Ricardo Victorious, the current president of Vanadis. With him were others of his inner circle and fellow cabinet members, as well as his vice president, Erin Markson, a woman near her mid twenties with long black hair.

The Rune Federation, a faction that stationed itself on Earth. Led by a light skinned man, with dark red hair tied in a small ponytail. Cyclase Ritter. At his side were his own advisors and one man standing by with a name tag with just the name 'Fortuna'.

The Cradle, a faction that allied itself closely with Vanadis. Led by two figures, Kate Larie, a pale woman in her late twenties and short black hair. Then Davide Nanaura, a tall fair skinned man with short blonde hair.

Lastly was APEX. Among those sitting at the table were Wallace Seitz and a bespectacled woman with light red hair, Rosario Beltz. At the middle of their table was a pale skinned woman, her short platinum hair fixed to cover a portion of her left eye. She only went by the name Proxima.

"We will begin the inquiry to the creation of the Dreadnoughts APEX has focused on creating." Cyclase began. He looked to Fortuna who nodded in response.

"While APEX is known for the creation of military type Dreadnoughts, word has gotten out that a new type of Dreadnought was created. One sent to the Vanadis central colony, as well as a pilot, Azuma Lynx. Your son, correct?"

"Only on paper." Proxima said, "While I did not birth him, I raised Lynx as if he were my own. And if there is concern over the Dreadnought, I can assure all parties it was the only one of its kind created."

"How can we be certain of that?" Kate asked.

Proxima looked to Rosario who quickly went to her tablet, "Rosario is currently sending all of you the list of materials used and the prices. I believe that should be proof enough of there only being one."

"Your excuse for only having made one is due to cost?" Cyclase asked, "APEX makes its funds by building and selling military base Dreadnoughts to other colonies and Earth, considering the amount paid for the Dreadnoughts sent, I still find it hard to believe, even if materials would be difficult to get for something like this."

Wallace cleared his throat and stood up, "If I may also add something, a Dreadnought made like this isn't something just anyone can pilot. Unlike other common types, this one required a pilot that was perfectly compatible. Something like that would take years to be done."

"So your reason is not only cost, but also because it would be too time consuming?" Ricardo asked. Whispers could be heard going throughout the room. Among those, Kate and Erin had taken a brief moment to look at each other before they returned to their respective places.

"While it may look unique and something different from the usual Dreadnought, the Raven is just as normal as any other type of Dreadnought."

"If it's just as normal as any common Dreadnought, then why go through all the work and money to build something like it then?" Erin asked.

Kate then came in as well, "And if so, why would it require a full inner frame when every other type APEX created before and even now are only using partial frames? Do you have any reason or answers for this?"

"Lady Proxima, what is the exact purpose for all this work? Why something like this Dreadnought?" Davide asked. Proxima simply smiled, "Why, you ask?"

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