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Myths of these so called "Sirens", Or an alternative, killer mermaids, have been going around for centuries.
A Sailors and Fisherman's worst enemy of the Sea, Known as beautiful women who lure sailor's and Fisherman into the sea with their majestic songs and drowning them, blamed for many sailor's and Fisherman's disappearances, the population of sailor's slowly disappeared out of fear as they scrammed the towns.

Time skip into many years later, 2024, June 1st. The rumors and myths of such supernatural creatures fading and just becoming a joke and scary stories to tell to your friends at sleepovers.
Many sailor's and Fisherman happily living their lives and making a living out of their job without such fear, including Simon "Ghost" Riley, a retired Lt for 7 years and moved onto Fishing in one of the seasides of Scotland, Portree.
Simon obviously had no belief in these stupid myths, he didn't believe in anything he didn't get to see with his own two eyes.

Yet, through his 7 years of being a Fisherman he always noticed how calming and beautiful the scenery of the sea where he worked was.
Obviously, all sea was beautiful and calming in their own ways, but this one was different. There always seemed to be a faint coastal whisper in the waves...a strange melody Simon always seemed so drawn too, the song sounded as what falling in love would feel like, to Simon at least, that was the whole reason Simon became a sailor in the first place, the melody of the beach.
He'd heard rumors from believers of the myths on sirens say stuff like, "The whispers at that beach are sirens! Don't let them trick you.", Or something else about sirens in that sea. He obviously, as said before, didn't believe it and just laughed while shrugging it off when people told him that.

Hell, in truth, Simon wouldn't even mind finding a siren. If he was the one to find a real life siren, if they existed of course, then he'd be the talk of the town, he'd probably get payed millions for the siren.
He didn't care much for fame but he did care for money, but can you really blame him? In this economy money is basically everything.
Or maybe he'd keep it for himself and have a fantasy book love life, a beautiful woman with a nasty secret, kind of an exciting thought to Simon sometimes, yet he knew it was just daydreams to keep a little more hope in going in life so everything wasn't as boring.

Simon was pretty content with his life, he had a comfortable financial state, he had a nice house, a job he semi enjoyed and he had a content dating life with women...well... sometimes at least.
Yet something still felt missing to him, like part of his life wasn't fulfilled, left empty..but he never could put his finger on it.

Little did he know that would change real soon...along with everything else in his life.

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