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(Alvina's POV)

It was like a huge celebrity was coming to our school, there were whispers and rumors going around about this Slavnia. People wondered if she could spread love like Cupid, or if she knows about peoples secret love life. It was crazy

I mean I know it's Cupid's daughter but is it really that big of a deal? She's not Athena's daughter, now that I would be invested in. But then again Cupid is an important goddess in our world

"She's coming!" I heard someone yell. Elsie was looking excited behind me. "Girl how are you not totally freaking out?!" She said jumping up an down. "I mean what's so special about her? I get she's Cupid's daughter but like... It's not a big deal" I said. I really didn't care what other people would say about my opinion, but it was the truth

"She is right" I heard someone say from behind me. "See someone argees-" my eyes widened to look at the tall beautiful girl standing before me. Girls at this school are pretty but I've never seen such... BEAUTY.

"S-Slavnia" Elsie muttered before basically passing out on the floor. "That's Slavnia..."

"The one and only" she gave me a blank stare before walking off and saying "I like the way you think roller Girl"

Roller girl? I stood there dumbfounded before realizing I had my roller skates in my hand.

"DID YOU SEE HOW SHE TALKED TO YOU?!" Elsie said while standing up. "Girl you're so lucky she obviously thinks your cool" Mitha said.

"It wasn't all that, stop being dramatic"

After school I was heading towards the dormitories to hit the rooms well when I ran into Cupid's daughter again.

"Ouch!! Watch where you're going- oh it's you" I spat. I wasn't in the best mood today.

"To be fair you ran into me but besides that point, do you know where dorm room 543 is?" she asked with a emotionless face, it was almost intimidating. Hey that's my dorm! Hey am I getting a roomy?! With this girl?! Actually that doesn't sound bad.... SNAP OUT OF IT.

"Uh yea thats my I have to share with you?."

"Well looks like we are going to be roommates roller girl, and yes you are gonna have to share 5 year old"

"My name is not roller girl! It's Alvina and I'm not 5!!" I growled

"What ever you say Alvina" She gave a small smirk while following me from behind. People were not exaggerating when they said she was beautiful.

"Here we are Slavnia" I said. "thanks roller girl, where ever do I sleep?" She said with a slight tease in her voice

"Upstairs the door before mine is your room"

"Thanks little witch"

"Okay now actually stop with the names"

She laughed.

This was going to be a hellish year! I will never do random roommates again because of this

After a few weeks of living with her I found she was very strange and moody girl, she never spoke, she was always in her bow and arrow and was extremely passive and rude!

I swear this girl was pissing me the fuck off, I mean at least force a smile on your face.

"For a witch in training your magic is sure very weak" she said while throwing a spear at a target.

This made me angry so I got my wand and used it to put her in a princess dress.

She looked like she was about to kill me. "Aww does the mighty warrior Slavnia not like to play dress up?" I said is a mocking tone. She then used her magic to change back and then a force pinned me against the wall and she walked up to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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