June 24th 2024

8 0 2

(Note- time=when it took place, and if u didn't read description, this will be in a form of a diary with past and present stuff :3)

P.s: I will add questions for u to answer if u want to, so feel free to write how u feel abt your answer:)

12:00 to 1:00 AM:

I'm just chilling and playing roblox in my bed, that I sadly have to share with my brother who is 1 in a half year younger than me. We fight like cat and dog until we settle down and make an agreement or whatever, unlike my sister who is 6 years younger than me, gosh how do I put this in as...uhhhhhhhh, oh ik now! She's an annoying little brat that if she trys to breathe, I will drop kick her to somewhere else and hope she never comes back. Yeah, that's how much I hate her. Now that I've shared something about my siblings, I'm very excited for my new one! We did a gender reveal for fathers day last week and it was a girl! I was the only one who believed it was girl, so now my friend group owes me something UvU. But as I was saying about my new sister, I would be happy if she was a sagittarius, scorpios and Libras do get along, but I would be looking more forward to a sagittarius but at least it's not a virgo...that why I hate my other sister alot <3♡.

2:00 to 3:00 AM:

I am working on this drawing on my phone on ibis paint x where I draw one of my favorite countryhuman, I wish I could show but it on my phone and not my tablet ;) I had my brother to help me choose the design for the personified character and he did well on the choices. I think at that 1 hour plus moment was just drawing the countryhuman. Nothing else.

3:00 to 4:00 AM:

You know, as a Mexican girl dream to have a quinceañera as I watch these preparations for the big day of girls becoming a mature woman. I would like to have one when I turn 15, but my only issue is where I will do my party. I would like to do it In Mexico, but I would love to do it In the south, but also the north. When I went to the north, one of my tías said I should do it In the north because I have more family there than anywhere else. And I think I might do it there. Yk because it's where I was originaly from. I have told my parents about if I would have one. I hope I can because I want to have this opertunity to come close to my family and know more about the rest. But as I was thinking about all of this I remembered that my brother fell asleep with is headphones on as it was playing asmr. I thought this was the best momento to planks him >:3 and what's the plan my friends? Well......I went on his tablet and put searched up something, there was many option to choose on what to play, but that's when it his me....an ad.....an ad that I can put on loop on full volume...now that was one of the best things I've thought of. So I seached upad and the first thing that popped up was a temu ad....this was perfecto 👌. I clicked the video and went to the seating and put it on loop. Then I put the volume on high. I think I was laughing to much that I woke up my brother. Aw man, but it was to funny that I gagged somehow. It was hilarious tho and I had a great time.

11:00 to 11PM:

I woke up and started to get ready for the day, I need to stop pulling all nighters before I damage my health and myself. The rutina goes like wake up eat breakfast, read book for an 1hr, clean, and have our freetime, And the eat, then take a shower, then water the plantas, eat a snack before bed, brush teeth, pray, and "got sleep". But yeah, suprisingly I woke up earlyer than my brother. Did whatever my routine was and have my freetime with my devices. I remembered that one of my best friend from Maryland was going to call me and play roblox together. We did that, then he had to go. As my siblings were fighting over something stupid, I found a new upload from my subscription and watched it. Not only was the lore good and the edit, but the song I feel in love with. So what did I do? Put it on loop of course! So i put in on loop as my siblings were fighting and fell asleep for a while. I don't think I fully fell asleep because I heard the audio still playing and a movie in my head, but my annoying brother decided to wake me up and interupt my nice animation I had in my head. Great. But after that, I went to take a bath, and water the plants. Then my dad came home from work, gave me the last rebanada (bc there my fav🥰😘💫) ate it, and the I write this nice story that I do not know where this will take me. As I'm writing this I realized that i need to work on alot of stuff. Here is a nice bonita list of it:

-work on new corrupted chapter

-continue squid game comic on both wattpad and notebook

-work on gacha edit and stuff

-try to stop my messed up sleep schedule

-help my tablet storage data ;)

-have some motivation 

-make new vids of dancing stuff with my brother

-figure out my schedule for school

-figure out what to do with life

-annoy my sister cuz she does the same so it's only fair

Yeah, it's alot that waste my energía, but that is all my bonita viewers and friends! I will leave a link abt the vid that I watch on loop and how everything good abt it make me fall in love with it XD. Now onto the ☆Questions☆

-how would you rate your siblings from a scale of 1 being the worked to 10 being my bff forever that I would let the world burn for them.

-what's one of your pet peeve?

-finally, what's your favorite all time song?(u can put as much as u want for each one ^^♡)

Here's the youtube link to the video on the comentarios (comment)

Well that's it! Goodbye mis amigos and I'll see u later! Bye fellas!

-Eviewasactuallyhere (Anaccounttoread10)

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