The Boy who shall forever be in my heart....

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Four years, it's been awhile.
So much so that she can barely remember how you first actually met. Surprisingly you two are closer now.

From the girl who would walk into your class like she owned it, and you, who used to yell at her to leave. Now you tell her obscure facts about planes, and your plans to rescue civilians.
You're now someone she writes a story for.

It's been around four years since you two first met.

You've grown quite a bit.
You're taller than her now, – although she would never admit that to you, – you have lots of friends as well as a boldly flirtatious personality.

You think she's grown up a bit too. Once you even mistook her for her older sister.

You went from strangers, to acquaintances, assets  and then friends. Once you told her that. She laughed while agreeing with you, as you both walked to science.

You're quite confident now. You even proclaimed  to her you were sexy, handsome, amazingly gorgeous and irresistible to women. — Including her. —
You didn't know but she gave a soft smile at your messages. You ask about her day as well. She thinks you're sweet.

Your pale gray-ish blue eyes always light up when you mention things you're interested in.
Your fluffy blond hair – she can attest to your hair being fluffy, she loved playing with. It was always soft. – looks nicer now.

You're still good at sports as well. You definitely are not bad looking. You know that. Maybe you don't — she does though — but you're funny and weird. She thinks so too.

It's fine though, you think she's pretty strange as well.

You love your playlist. Although it has some dark music and some sad vibes it's nice. She loves it too.

You told her not to write a short story, but deep down you know she'll probably send an extra short one just to be annoying now.

Nearly four years you've known her, now you're questioning what the hell you're waking up to.


-I did edit some of the writing as I had sent him this a while ago.
-Yes, I did send him this.
-This is almost an exact copy and paste of what he read.
-Would love to hear any of your thoughts on our relationship, or my writing style.


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