Season 3 Chapter 4 - Summer Break

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After the wedding, there was a paradigm shift in the underworld, as the new monarchs officially took their positions. Sona, Irina ,Vali, and Lucias moved to Satan Territory, where they'd be based from there on.

With all the events that took place in the last few weeks, it was nearing summer break, and the long-awaited Youth Devil Gathering would also be taking place. As the peerages returned to Kuoh, there was a feeling in Issei's head that something was going to happen at the Gathering.

Hyoudou Home - 21:00

Issei was seated on the roof of the Hyoudou Home, stargazing as he looked into the stars. It was the beginning of a new life for him. He was now the Devil King, and he had a lot of stress and thoughts in his mind.

Vali: Ise, you here?

Issei: I'm over here Val.

Vali: I'd been looking for you.

Issei: Sorry, I've got a lot on my mind right now, so I thought to gaze at the stars .

Vali: What's up?

Issei: It's going to be the Youth Devil Gathering pretty soon, and well, I've got the feeling something is going to happen there.

Vali: You're right. With Rizevim still out and about, it's near guaranteed, but then we can take him on if he tried anything

Issei: You're right about that , we'd also be solidifying relations with the Norse Panthaeon as well, first bit of business outside the Three Factions.

Vali: Everything will be alright. Ise, for now, let's head back inside before dinner gets cold .

Issei: Alright then ,let's go.

The two dragons went back inside, where the rest of the family was almost done with setting everything for dinner as they were now joined by Ravel Phoenix, who was engaged to Issei, just before the wedding.

Miki: Ah, Ise, great, anything of interest planned?

Issei: Well, mom, it's almost Summer Break, and we'd be heading to the underworld, and during that time, Sona's and Rias peerage would be having an additional training session, though Sona is Queen Consort, she'd still have to take part in some of the activities of the conference as a Young High-Class Devil and not as Queen Consort. She is a part of the Supernovae Quintet.

Gorou: Supernovae Quintet?

Sona: That is the group of the 5 fastest rising youth devils in the underworld.

Miki: Who is in that grouping?

Vali: Well, the Quintet in that group would be:
Sairaorg Bael
Rias Gremory
Sona Sitri
Seekvaria Agares
Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas

Miki: Won't Ise be involved in that?

Sona: Actually, mother, if Ise were to get involved it would be unfair on the rest, he has all 72 Clan Abilities, the 3rd strongest peerage in the underworld behind my sister and Sirzechs, and he's the Devil King now so he'd be more involved with other events. It's different from me ,plus he's a Super Devil, so that's pushing it too far as he'd be regarded as a Hypernova on his own, let's not mention Ingvild and Vali in there as well.

Miki: Wow, and Ravel, what about you then?

Ravel: Well I was traded from my brothers peerage to my mother's so I'm basically a free piece, also being a future Consort for Issei, it would have me engaged in other events with him, the same applies for Ingvild as she is the other Queen is his peerage, it would leave his peerage at reduced strength, along with Irina as his knight, Sona is the only exception to that rule. When Irina got married, she immediately became a high-class devil, so she's eligible for her own peerage.

Miki: Hmmm, I see. Enjoy the break, then and say hi to Anna, Euclid, and Olivia for me

Gorou: You kids better enjoy your time there, and come back safe, you hear??

Issei: Of course, Dad.

Timeskip - Kuoh Academy, 15:30

School had just ended at Kuoh Academy and all three peerages had gathered at the ORC Clubhouse to discuss what will happen during summer break, most of the peerages were already in the Clubhouse with the exception of Vali, Issei and Sona.

Rias: So, as school is ending ,it would be a good time to head to the underworld for summer break.

Tsubaki: Yeah, it'll be interesting also considering it's going to be the Youth Devil Gathering.

Irina: Well, how do those gatherings usually go?

Rias: It's chaotic, to say the very least.

Vali, Sona, and Issei entered the clubhouse.

Issei: Hey there, everyone.

Rias: Ise, Vali, Sona, what's up?

Vali: We weren't interrupting anything, were we?

Rias: No, not at all, I was explaining what was to come for the summer break.

Vali: Okay then, as it is, Sona will be the only one from myself, Issei, Irina and Ingvild who'll be actively participating in the conference.

Rias: Why only Sona?

Sona: It's due to the fact that I'm an independent King in my own right, I don't have a situation like Ise, where more than 50% of the peerage is out of commission due to other activities, since Irina, Vali and Ingvild will be with him in different activities as Regnant and Consorts.

Rias: That's understandable.

Issei: Well then we'll meet at the station tomorrow at 11:00 ,that good?

All: Yep!

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