1. Prologue

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This will be written for Stoic's point of view. Being a female and writing from a males point of view is new to me, so forgive me if Stoic doesn't sound manly enough.

This can be read without reading the first book, but if you read this one first and the first one second, it will kinda spoil the first book.

It was my sixth birthday and I had expected it to be like my last birthday, it wasn't. Today my Mom cried. I had never seen her cry like this. My Father had woken me up early before Mom did and told me there was something we needed to do. He told me, today I was going to be a man. I was so excited and couldn't keep the smile off my face as we walked down the hall to the basement. I never got to go to the basement, ever. I was getting nervous and reached for my Father's hand, but he pulled it away and gave me a stern look.

I knew it was against the rules to treat him like that in public, outside of our rooms. I had to call him master, and I couldn't let anyone know he was my Dad. I walked behind him, trying hard to keep up, my little legs moving fast. We stopped outside a door, and he stole a glance at me and sighed. Once open, I could see a big leather chair in the center of the room. There were pictures of beautiful ladies and men on the dark colored walls.

Daddy closed the door behind me. "Birthday boys get to sit in the big chair." I was still kind of nervous. but sat down anyway. I didn't want to make Daddy mad at me. He sat down in a rolly chair and I was jealous. I wanted that chair, I wanted to spin in it and shoot across the hard floor. Daddy started opening drawers and getting out a big pencil looking machine.

"Take of your shirt Stoic. And lay down on your stomach."

I did like I was told and continued to watch him. He took out a knife, and cut his wrist. His face showed no pain and I watched his blood drip into a cup. I whimpered a little and he smiled at me, sending me a message that everything was going to be okay. He mixed his blood with a red color and brought a roller tray over next to me. He put his foot on a peddle and my big leather chair rose up.

"I am not going to lie to you, this will hurt. I have to do it. It's the only way I will be able to find you when the time is right. I need you to hold very still. Listen to my words and focus on them. It will help with the pain." He flipped a switch and loud buzzing sound started. It echoed in the room. I started listening to Daddy again as he brought the machine onto my back. "When the time is right, I will come find you. Bring you back to us. Today I am taking you to a lady. She is going to be your Master. All of the training you have received will be put to the test. Once I take you to her, you won't be able to see your Mom or I again until your old enough."

I began to cry. I didn't want to lose my Mommy or Daddy. The pain in my back was dulling slightly but it still stung. I was scared. This is the only place I have ever known. I loved them and would do anything to stay. I could be a good boy. I wouldn't make messes and yell or cry. I would obey. "But why Daddy?" I could see my dad try hard not to cry. His eyes watered slightly, he focused on my back for a moment before speaking again.

"It's the law that humans can't be kept with family at the age of six. You know that. This brand I am putting on you is our family seal. It will help me find you when you are older, when I can take you back and you can start in the family business. This lady I am taking you to today can be mean, but she is far nicer than other places you could end up. I want you to treat her like she is your own precious gift. Take care of her, and don't forget what I have told you. When she is mean to you, I want you to remember, she is my gift to you. If you think about it like that, it won't be so bad okay?"

He clicked off the machine and lowered my chair down. He busied himself cleaning up the colored cup and packing the pencil machine away. I got up off the chair and went to a mirror. I looked over my shoulder on my back and saw the red marks coloring my skin. Before I could make out what it was, my father had placed his hands on my shoulders. He knelt down in front of me. "Don't forget where you came from. Who you are, and what is in your blood." He hugged me tight. I squeezed his neck as tight as I could. "I love you Daddy."

When we got back, Mommy was mad. She kept screaming at Daddy. Daddy called her hysterical, but I don't know what that means. Daddy finally got her to calm down and she sat on the couch crying. I walked over to her and pulled myself into her lap.

"Please don't cry Mommy. Daddy said he will find me when I am older. I will be a good boy and then I can see you again." I wiped the tears from her face and then wiped my wet hand on my shirt. I remember the brand and got excited. I wanted to show Mommy. I wiggled out of her lap and raised up my shirt in the back and looked over my shoulder at her. "Look Mommy, Daddy gave the family seal and said he would use it to find me. Isn't it awesome!" She started crying louder and I let my shirt fall back. I pulled myself back into her lap again and a tear rolled down my cheek. "Mommy please don't cry. I love you and it's my birthday. Don't cry on my birthday."

Mommy squeezed me tighter, crying into my neck. I could feel Daddy walk over to us. He rubbed Mommy's arm. "It's time." His voice sounded final and Mommy pulled back to look at me. She wiped her face. "I want you to know that Mommy loves you. She will always love you no matter what you do. We will see each other again handsome." She put on a smile for me, but I could tell it wasn't real. I smiled back at her with the same smile and Daddy pulled me from her lap. Daddy and I walked out the door and it clicked behind us. I could hear Mommy screaming now and things being broken. Mommy was being bad and I didn't know why. I would see her again, just not for a long long time.

Don't worry, he won't stay a kid forever>>>>>>

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