22. Elex's contract

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Ruth let me drive home, without a word about my driving skills.  I kept it down around 90 because I didn't want to alarm her.  We got back to the mansion and I tossed the keys to the valet.  The doorman greeted us and informed Master Ruth, her guest was waiting for her in the study.

I followed her in and up to the study.  She opened the door and a man stood to great her.

"Looking lovely as ever Veronica."  HOLLY shit, it was my father.  His eyes were a dead give away, it's like looking in a mirror.  Ruth looked pissed.  I don't know what was going on here but I don't want to be in the middle of it.  Ruth took out a laptop from her bottom drawer.

"Take this and finish up what work you have left.  I will see you after my meeting."

I took the computer and my briefcase and walked out of the room.  I could hear my father sit in front of her desk and the air grew thick with tension.  I closed the door, separating her from me.  I stopped for a moment and wondered where I was supposed to be.  She didn't tell me to go to my room, but she didn't say to go to hers either.  There is a library across the hall that is quiet.  Neither bedrooms are really set up for doing work and the library has a desk.  I set down my things and boot up the computer.  I let the silence buzz in my ears but then I focused on certain vibrations.  I could hear tid bits of Ruth's voice and all of my fathers.

"What is he?"

"What do you mean?"

"He heard..... and earlier........130 mph there is no way he could do that if....."

"I told you when we drew up the contract he was a new breed.  However I thought you would see signs sooner than this.  His birthday is coming up is it not?"

I could felt my brand start to tingle then grow warm.

"Then you should find out just how advanced he is.  I told you my dear Veronica, you won't regret him."

Ruth said something but I couldn't hear it. Then my father's booming laughter nearly exploded my ear drums.

"Have you seen his father?" 

A moment later the door opened and my father walks out.  We caught each others gazes and the brand on my back wass burning.  I saw the silent approval of me and the message he will pass on to my mother.  He turned down the hall and now I was in full view of Ruth who stood at the door.

"If you are finished come to bed."  She turned and headed that way herself.

I finished up my work and put my things back in Ruth's study, then headed to her room.   I played over the bits of conversation I heard.  I was under contract.  There must be something about getting in my pants without force before I am 18 and something that she gains from doing so.  My father hadn't told her about our secret, still sticking with my father the brute.  My mother had not told me about how I was made, but my father did.  My mother was raped by a brute of a stud.  Huge for his size everywhere.  When my mother was raped, she had my father's blood in her.  Elex was my blood father, literally.  It's why I was stronger, faster, and gained knowledge quicker than normal humans.  Why I could hear and see better.  His blood had made me better.  Now that I think about it, I got his cockiness too.

I opened the door to our room and went straight for Ruth.

"Veronica eh?"

"Don't you ever call me that."  Well she was still pissed.  She got into bed and I started to undress.

"Why were you meeting my old Master?  Want to give me back?"

"That is none of your concern."

I pulled off my boxer briefs and let it all out.

"I think it is my concern.  I want to know what is in the contract."  I crawled over her to get to my side but stopped, hovering above her.  "And why you want to fuck me so bad."

Her eyes met mine, assessing me.  "If I didn't know any better, I would think I was sharing this bed with Elex right now and not you."

I laid on my side and propped my head up with my hand.  I used my other to run a finger between her breasts and down around her navel at a snails pace.  I could hear her heart struggle to keep a steady beat.  It so badly wanted to run over itself like a child with a new drum set.

"Tell me what you get out of this.  What you get out of having me."

She smacked my hand away and I snickered at her.  I was almost to her point of no return.  I was getting good at this game.  I pulled her over to me and moved my lips over the curves of her neck.  "Tell me what I want to know."  She dug her hands into my back and tried to pull me to her.  I didn't hold back and kept right where I was, almost touching but not quite.

"This is a wonderful kind of torture isn't it kitten."  I kissed down her chest almost to her nipple and ran my lower lip across her skin back up her neck.  I inhaled that sweet scent of honey and milk from her skin and hair. She whimpered and moaned, it was needy, like she was begging for more.

I whispered in her ear.  "I am good at what I do, if I want to do it."  I licked the shell of her ear.  "And right now I really want to frustrate you until you tell me what I want."  I nibbled on her ear lobe and could smell her arousal.  Must be a new gift from my father's blood.

"I can't touch you unless you touch me first until you're 18."  She pulled harder on me and I gave way slightly, kissing her neck and nibbling.  "Tell me more kitten."

"If you fuck me before 18, I get to keep you."  Those were the words I wanted to hear.  I stopped what I was doing and pushed her to her side of the bed.

"And if I don't?"  Sexually frustrated Ruth was hot.  I inhaled her scent again and wanted nothing more but than my face to buried in between her legs.

"Then you get returned back to your mother for her anniversary."  Two months after my birthday.  Two months of being whatever Ruth wanted me to be.  That was a hell of a contract Dad.

"I want to see the contract in full."

"And I want to finish what you started."

"Get me the contract and I can see if there is a way to relieve you without damning myself."  We were both too stubborn to give in to each other, which was unfortunate.  After some silent debating I got up and closed the bathroom door.  I needed some private time to take care of myself.  I guess Ruth had the same idea, because I could hear her through the door.  Not that I minded right now.  We finished about the same time, me a little longer than her.  I washed my hands and went back to bed, but all I could smell was her.  Her arousal, her completion, her skin, her sweat.  I felt myself stir and I had to put up a mental block to keep things down.  The game just got a lot harder.  I had three weeks until all hell broke loose and she could have me.  My only saving factor was the deal I struck up about the club.  When I won, I had one thing I could ask of her.  I just had to last two weeks.  One to finish the remodel and one to get the final numbers back from the sales of the first week.

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