🌈Part 1🌈

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Poppy woke up with a bright smile, the morning sun casting a warm glow over her room.

She reached for her beloved pom pom crown, placing it carefully atop her pink hair. "Perfect," she said, admiring her reflection.

🎶Today is a fun day,🎶
🎶Nothing's getting in my way.🎶
🎶Everyone, everyone, let's all say,🎶

🎶Today is a fun day,🎶
🎶Nothing's getting in my way.🎶
🎶Everyone, everyone, let's all say,🎶

🎶Everything will always be okay,🎶
🎶We're gonna have a terrific day.🎶
🎶Everything is awesome, it's so great,🎶

🎶Today is a fun day,🎶
🎶Nothing's getting in my way.🎶
🎶Everyone, everyone, let's all say,🎶

🎶Today is a fun day,🎶
🎶Nothing's getting in my way.🎶
🎶Everyone, everyone, let's all say,🎶

🎶Everything is bright and new,🎶
🎶So many things that we can do.🎶
🎶Everything is happy, everything is right,🎶
🎶Together we can shine so bright!🎶

🎶Today is a fun day,🎶
🎶Nothing's getting in my way.🎶
🎶Everyone, everyone, let's all say,🎶

Poppy twirled around, her pink hair bouncing with every step as she sang her cheerful song.

"What a perfect day!" she exclaimed, beaming. The Troll Village was alive with music and joy, and Poppy felt like nothing could spoil this moment.

She skipped through the forest, the melody still on her lips, when suddenly, she tripped over a root.

"Whoa!" Poppy gasped, tumbling forward. When she stood up, she found herself facing a swirling, glowing portal.

"What's this?" she wondered aloud, her curiosity piqued. "It looks like an adventure!"

Without a second thought, Poppy stepped through the portal, feeling a tingling sensation as the world around her changed.

On the other side, Poppy blinked in surprise. She was no longer in Troll Village. Instead, she stood in a bustling human city.

"Where am I?" she asked herself, looking around at the towering buildings and busy streets.

"Hey! Are you okay?" came a voice.

Poppy turned to see a girl about her age, with trendy clothes and a concerned expression.

"I'm Keeley," the girl introduced herself. "You look a little lost."

"I'm Poppy," Poppy replied, smiling brightly. "I think I just wandered through a portal into your world."

Keeley's eyes widened, and she took a step back, her mouth agape.

"A portal? You mean, like... magic?" She shook her head in disbelief. "This can't be real."

Poppy nodded excitedly. "Yep, that's me! Can you help me figure out how to get back?"

"Wait, you're really a troll?" Keeley asked, still trying to process everything.

She looked at Poppy's colorful hair and bright smile. "This is... wow. This is incredible!"

Poppy giggled. "I know, right? So, can you help me?"

"Of course," Keeley said, recovering from her shock. "But first, let's get you settled. This place can be a bit overwhelming if you're not used to it."

As they walked through the city, Keeley showed Poppy the sights, explaining human customs and trends.

Poppy was fascinated by everything, from the fashion to the technology.

"This is so different from my world," Poppy marveled. "But it's also kind of wonderful."

Keeley laughed. "I think we're going to be great friends, Poppy. And don't worry, we'll find a way to get you home."

Poppy beamed. "Thanks, Keeley. I'm so glad I met you."

Meanwhile, back in Troll Village, Branch was searching frantically for Poppy.

"Poppy! Where are you?" he called out, worry evident in his voice. He had seen the strange portal and feared the worst.

"She wouldn't just disappear without a word," Branch muttered to himself.

Determined to find his friend, he gathered his courage and stepped through the portal, hoping it would lead him to Poppy.

Little did he know, an adventure awaited him in the human world as well...

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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