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as Amelia walked she found herself thinking back to the nice men she had met yesterday she smiled a sad smile she was in such a hurry to get back she had not thought to ask their names.

 Amelia thought her aunt would be pleased she had gotten everything... boy was she wrong she found her aunt waiting for her in the hallway smoking looking real mad "hello auntie I have got everything" Amelia smiled at her walking into the kitchen melon followed standing at the kitchen door watching closely as Amelia put the grocery's away. As Amelia put the last items in the fridge her aunt spoke "come here" Amelia immediately complied walking to stand in front of her aunt.

Melony grabbed her by her throat squeezing hard "what the fuck took you so long" Melony spoke through gritted teeth slowly walking her backward slamming her into the front door.

 Amelia face quickly turned red she started to kick her legs and pry at her aunts hand off her neck she was desperate for a breath Melony loosened her grip just enuf for Amelia to answer an get a breath. Amelia gasped and sucked in a large breath "I got everything I had to hang around for an adult to get the alcohol and cigarettes" she answered hoping this would satiate her aunt. "Fine get to the bedroom now I don't want to hear a single peep out of you" Melony gave her a disgusted look before walking back to the Livingroom

Amelia made quick work of getting away she was not sat on the bed cross-legged thinking about those men but also thinking about what she possible could have done to make her aunt have so mad at her.

 As she sat thinking her jaw fell open and her eyes went wide she came to a realisation every interaction they have had Melony was always mad huh! well she was told repeatedly that her aunt was reluctant to take her in she gasped at this omg of course she is mad she had just found out her brother had passed then she is basically told she must take responsibility for somebody she has never met well no wonder she was mad.

truth be told though Amelia was self-sufficient for a long time now and if the police had not come to her door she would have just stayed in she house she could have just run out the clock till her birthday then nobody would have to be angry at her... although Amelia thought this there was definitely 0% chance of nobody finding out about her father he would have still needed a funeral and they lived in a small town so it was unavoidable but still she smiled and thought maby if she were to tell her aunt this maby she would not be mad at her any longer maby Melony would not feel the need to get physical she really really wanted to get to know her aunt being her only family left she still wanted to know her even if she was awful but Amelia had yet to decide for sure.her door slams open revealing her aunt "I need you out I have someone coming over so I need you to get the fuck out and don't come back here tonight you have fifteen minutes to get out " before she could speak a single word Melony turned leaving the room with a slam Amelia started to panic what? we're would she go? Amelia stood and started pacing the room she kicked out her leg in frustration kicking the vanity table leg by accident this action jostled the desk organiser a clank caught her attention she opened the last drawer seeing the forgotten key. As she left the house with a bag she held they key tight in her palm well she had all night to find this place......

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