Two - New best friend

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Yokoo POV:

AGE: 10
It was eight in the morning, I woke up with a huge smile on my face, I met someone new yesterday!! He seems awesome, I quickly got out of my bed and stretched a bit, I looked out my window and I saw Satou's house, I had no clue if he was awake or not but I decided to visit him anyways.

I grabbed my football, ran over to my mum and told her where I was going, ran out the kitchen door and into my garden. I threw the ball over the fence and proceeded to climb over it, falling into Satou's garden with a grunt. I went around the house and into his front door, I knocked a few times while practically bouncing up and down, someone opened the door.. a really tall lady. "hm? who are you?" She said, she was a bit intimidating honestly.. I think she's his mum. "I'm Yokoo!! Can Satou come out to play??" I said a bit loudly, not realizing how loud I was. 

"Satou's friend?" She looked confused. "Yes that's me!!" I was still bouncing, she looked at me and then over to Satou's bedroom. "SATOU, YOUR FRIEND IS HERE" she shouted, a few minutes later, a tired Satou came out of his room and went over. "Yokoo..?" he said with a slightly tired voice, I nodded. "yes!! Can i come in???" Satou looked at his mum who nodded, he then looked at me. "sure yeah.." I then ran inside, I grabbed Satou's arm and ran into what I assumed was his room.

When we were inside, I looked around Satou's room and I was honestly amazed, his room looked so cool!! I saw a few books on his shelf and he had his own PC?? I was looking around in awe. "Satou your room is awesome!" I shouted, he looked a bit embarrassed as he nodded. "Thanks.." I noticed he was looking down again slightly, does he not like eye contact? or is he just shy? I have no clue, I went over to his bed and I sat down on it while looking at some of the posters on his walls, I need a room like this right now.

Satou walked over to the bed and he sat down beside me, I turned and looked at him, he looks like he just woke up! His hair was slightly messy and I'm pretty sure those are power rangers pajamas. "Did you just wake up??" I said as I looked right into his eyes, he was playing with his fingers as he spoke. "Yeah.. I don't usually wake up until around twelve.." "TWELVE?!?!" I shouted, I was so surprised he woke up that late, he looked back a bit shocked. "Yeah I do.." I looked back at him, "You don't hang out with any of your friends??" He didn't respond for a bit, I looked slightly worried.

"I don't really have any" oh, now I understand why his mother looked so confused when she saw me. "well.. we can be friends! We can be best friends!!" I said with excitement, I then held out my hand for a handshake. "Best friends?" .. "Best friends.." he said as he took my hand.

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