Chapter 2

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I do not own any of this characters. The rights of these characters and some of the events in this story are owned by J.K Rowling.

"First years! First years this way!" The familiar phrase Hermione heard every September 1st echoed in front of the locomotive as she disembarked from the train. "Have you seen Harry?" she asked Ron, glancing back. "No... he probably went to greet Hagrid," he replied. She paused for a moment, scanning the crowd for Harry. "Come on, Hermione, we're going to miss the carriage. Harry knows his way to Hogwarts," Ron urged, tugging at her arm. "Calm down, Ronald! There's no need to push," she retorted, casting one last look behind.
They boarded the carriage. "No sign of Harry?" Ginny asked. "No, he's likely in another carriage with Neville. Don't start panicking, Mione," said Ron, rolling his eyes. Hermione scoffed and turned away. Draco was approaching the carriages. He glanced at her briefly, then looked away. Hermione was quite certain she had the same expression she had at Olivanders: sad and disappointed.

Once at Hogwarts, Harry arrived at the end of the sorting hat's speech. Its t-shirt soaked with blood. "Bloody hell! What happened, Harry?" Ron exclaimed. "Malfoy," Harry replied curtly. "I bet it was because of what we did at his father..." Ron speculated. "That's what he said," Harry confirmed, applying ice to his nose. "Pathetic," Ron muttered, Ginny glanced at her brother before approaching Harry and speaking in a hushed tone, "Pathetic? You'd have done the same if someone had treated Dad the way we treated Lucius Malfoy." Hermione looked over Harry's shoulder, while Draco stared miserably at his plate. "So what? He deserved it!" Ron declared. "I need to remind you both that they killed Sirius," Harry stressed. "Bellatrix was the one who killed Sirius, Harry. Lucius was the Death Eater. Draco may be a Slytherin and a Malfoy, but he wasn't involved in Sirius's murder. He's not his father," Hermione remarked. "We'll see," Harry murmured irritated.

The year began as usual, and Hogwarts appeared like nothing had changed. "Are you coming to the library?" Hermione asked as they left the classroom. "After a lecture with Snape? No thanks, I think I've had enough for today," Ron scoffed. Hermione rolled her eyes. "We're heading to the field; Ron needs to practice for the Quidditch tryouts," Harry replied. "Do you want to join us?" he asked. "No, I'm off to the library. I'll catch up with you in the common room before dinner," she said.

She left them behind and stepped into the library. A few people were there, but the library was almost empty. Among the handful of volumes, she selected a few books on DADA and found a hidden table in the corner. As she was writing down notes, a voice interrupted her. "Can I sit here?" Malfoy stood before her. In a teasing tone, she replied, "Are you certain you want to sit beside a Gryffindor 'Filthy Mudblood'?" He sneered at her and took a seat.

"Since when are you interested in DADA?" he asked, glancing at the book she was reading. "Since when are you interested in me?" she retorted, he let out a smirk. She rolled her eyes. "We've been studying it for six years," she responded, not looking up. "I noticed you picked up a book about this at Flourish and Blotts," he murmured to her. She faced him. "Spying on me, Malfoy?" she asked sarcastically. "You were the one staring... who followed me into Knockturn Alley," he observed her expression. "Thought I didn't notice? After our run-in at Olivanders, I should've known... What did Saint Potter have to say about it?" he questioned with a hint of irritation. "He knows nothing about that" she declared emotionlessly.
"I didn't tell them. Ron saw you and your mother" She specified, looking at his confused expression.

His eyes widened. "Why?" Hermione pretended not to hear him. "Why didn't you tell them?" he insisted. "Why should I have told them? Nothing happened...there was nothing to declare," she replied. "I was under the impression that the trio knew everything about everyone's secrets" he mocked. "It's hardly breaking news that you call me 'mudblood' and that you're arrogant," she said sharply. "May I return to my studies now?" she questioned. Draco remained silent, merely gazing at her before turning back to his book. "Potions... splendid," Hermione thought, aware that he would be attending the class with her.

For those two hours, she struggled to concentrate on her task, which she hated. Occasionally, she sensed his gaze on her and resisted the urge to return it. She refused to give him the satisfaction of acknowledging his influence over her. Eventually, she stood up and took her Potions book. "See you in class," he remarked, not bothering to look up. She paused, observing him for a brief moment—his head propped on his left hand, the other turning the pages of his book. "Yeah..." she replied, walking away, her mind racing with questions about his intentions. It wasn't entirely strange for Draco Malfoy to speak to her; after all, they had exchanged words many times during their five years at Hogwarts, though their exchanges were mostly mutual insults, particularly from Malfoy.
This time, something was different; she could see it in his expression. Of course, she couldn't understand what it was. If there was one thing Draco Malfoy excelled at, it was being an impenetrable block of ice. Impervious, his true feelings remained unseen unless he wished otherwise.

"For this first lesson, I want you to demonstrate what you've learned over the past few years. Choose the type of potion and then create it. Shortly, I will ask each of you which potion you intend to make. Meanwhile, prepare everything you need." Hermione joined Katie Bell, Lavender, and Neville at the desk. Draco was at the table in front with Blaise Zabini and Goyle. "Alright, let's begin here. Mr.?" - "Neville Longbottom, sir," Neville responded, blushing. "Excellent! Neville, what have you chosen?" He asked, eyeing the ingredients. "A confidence-boosting brew, sir. It's meant to make the consumer more confident..." Slughorn nodded. "Superb choice! Mrs... Brown, is it?" Lavender smiled, "Yes, sir! I'm considering preparing Baruffio's Brain Elixir, which is used to enhance the brain capacity..." - "Yeah, because you need it," Zabini muttered from across the room. Lavender shot him a look. The Slytherin students began to laugh. Hermione looked up to find Draco staring at her. "Silence, please! Mr. Zabini, I'm quite eager to learn what you will prepare. But first, Mrs. Granger, if I am not mistaken," Slughorn gestured towards Hermione. "An antidote to Veritaserum," she declared promptly. "Oh, may I ask the reason about that selection?" Slughorn asked with curiosity. "Well... one never knows who they might encounter... and some truths are better left unspoken." The room fell silent. Draco continued to gaze at her. She scarcely noticed, lost in thought over the genuine response she wished to express: "In times of war, you can never be certain of whom to trust. It's best to be prepared." After a brief pause, Slughorn approached the Slytherin table. "Now, Mr. Zabini, please share your choice with us." "The Drink of Despair, to safeguard what's mine," Blaise replied with assurance. "Are you aware that consuming that potion can cause the drinker intense agony?" "Yes," Blaise smirked. Goyle chuckled, and Slughorn shook his head. Then it was Malfoy's turn. "Draught of Peace," he murmured, eyes cast down at his cauldron. "An intriguing selection..." Slughorn murmured. Hermione sensed Draco's eyes on her as the others explained their choices. She eventually met his gaze, and he looked away. "Very well, everyone, let's begin."

"Neville, do you have another parchment? I forgot mine," Hermione whispered. "No, sorry, Mione, but there should be some more in the book cabinet," he replied. "Thanks," she said with a smile. On the upper shelf, there were a few parchments, and Hermione noticed several copies of the Potion Book Draco had been reading in the library. "Found what you were looking for?" Draco's voice reached her. "Malfoy, stop tormenting me. Seriously," she snapped, not bothering to look at him. His voice softened, "I'm not tormenting you..." She faced him, "Then what are you doing here?" He gestured to the cabinet, "I needed one too," he said with a smirk. "Sure," she said, rolling her eyes. He continued to face her, "What if I was tormenting you... you don't seem too bothered," he whispered in her ear. "Believe me, I am," she replied, pushing him away, her hand against his chest. "Yet you're still here," he observed, locking eyes with her. She scoffed and walked back to her desk, he was looking at her smiling and shaking his head.

"Hermione! You can't imagine how amazing that was! I'm almost certain I'll make the team," Ron exclaimed, smiling as he settled onto the couch in the common room. "Great, good for you, Ronald!" she replied, not looking up from her book. "What's that?" Harry asked, peering at it. "Oh, it's nothing, just a book I picked up in Diagon Alley... it's about curses, dark ones," she explained. "Bloody hell, why are you reading that?!" Ron shouted. "Shhh, Ron! Why on earth are you yelling?!" she scolded him. "Hermione, we won't need books for the war," Harry chimed in. "Alright, enough from you two; I'm just reading a book. That's all." She got up and left the common room.

Sneakly, she crossed the stairs, ascending to the Astronomy Tower. There, she sat with her book, continuing to read. She remained for some time, engrossed in the unforgivable curses and the fate of one's soul after their use, until a crack sounded. Someone was coming up the stairs. She hid herself behind a telescope. "Oh God, I hope that's not Snape," she thought. Clutching her wand, she stood still, ready to cast spells.

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