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Kelly's POV

I'm here again...

"No...no..no..please! Not again!" I grabbed my throbbing head, as I looked around my surroundings. I was back here, in this hellhole, those strange-looking walls, broken windows and doors. I looked out of the big window to see the moon shining above, striking its light upon the ruined building. The cold breeze hits my face, running shivers down my spine.

"I can't be back...no.." I stepped back from the window and whispered to myself knowing they could hear me if I spoke too loud.

I was trying to calm myself up but my breath became shaky as the air started to become heavy. I started thinking about those things I saw when I was here before, It was certain for the fact that I wasn't alone in this building as I heard rustling sounds from the other side of the long corridor.

'what if they come here?... I need to go back.'

"It's just a dream..it's just a fucking dream Kelly. You need to wake up. Wake up! Please!" I shouted, hitting my head.

Huge mistake. They heard me.

I heard a low growl coming from far off the dark corridor I was standing in.

My breath hitched as I saw them coming closer. I needed to run but I couldn't move. I could only see their silhouette coming closer from the dark, their heavy footsteps getting clearer with each step.

The words spoken by Mum resurfaced in my thoughts.

< "Kelly, you need to remember this...no matter what happens, do not let them get to you. Do not let them touch you...ever." Ms. Rider spoke holding Kelly by her shoulder.

"What happens if they get me, mum?" Kelly lowered her head thinking about the possible consequences. The surroundings became quiet for some time before Ms. Rider finally spoke.

"You might not be able to wake up from that nightmare ever again." >

'Run. You need to Run.' I thought to myself, eyes fixed on those silhouettes. Tears started welling up in my eyes, as I tried to move, but my legs had other plans after all. They stood there frozen in fear. I could now clearly see them.
I fell on my knees, my body became too heavy for my legs. I felt them towering over me. I was too afraid to look up at them.

' I'm sorry mum..they got me. '


Everyone had settled down with food on their plates after dancing and jumping around for hours. Violet, Sky, Ren, Cassian, Ash and Kenny had joined Vinnie and Leila at their table.

"This is so fucking boring, If it weren't for someone I'd be at home peacefully solving numericals." Sky crossed her arms against her chest as she glanced at Ash who was munching on her salad.

"That doesn't sound any less boring to me." Kenny said pointing his spoon at Sky.
Ash nodded smiling proudly at Kenny.

Amy who was sitting across their seating area approached their table.

"Kenny, you're forgetting something." Amy poked Kenny on his shoulder. Kenny turned his neck to look at her.

"Eh? What is it?" Kenny pressed his fingers to his forehead thinking deeply of it.

"Wait, lemme check." Kenny took his phone out of his pocket and started going through his 'to-do list'.

"Give Ash a head massage, done.
Cut my nails, done.
Laundry, done.
Annoy Leila, done.
Push Violet over Ren, done.
Share Sky's sleeping pics with Cassian, ye done." Kenny mumbled to himself, while everyone around him looked at him with judgy expressions, weirded out by his to-do list.

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