The deep pain

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The deep pain that caused me to try and act scary was a rather strange incident, this is what I told my friend nahstitch (I've known in irl for months) about how this girl "Danny" (irl Sarah {who I've known for all of the school year} btw)
"It all started last Friday when she asked me for answers and I did give her them, the next time I didn't have the answers ready to give so I wrote back "sorry, I can't help you with that" and she than started ignoring me, than my weekend was okk, than Monday came around and I got a text message from her friend anokia (anoka/Aubrey) saying "she told me all the things you did to her so therefore we aren't friends" [now personally that sounds like I commited SA tho?] and it hurt me real bad, than well that was actually Tuesday Monday her (Sarah) and her friends ignored me and started to talk shit about me, but Wednesday came around and I asked one of her girls (twins) well technically all I wrote was "bye" than she wrote "what do you mean bye" than I said "she didn't tell you" than after a few things she wrote "she told me that you talk so much smack but get scared when being confronted" which isn't true as you know I followed her league that one time we got confronted [SHE WAS THE ONE SCARED] Thursday was something completely wrong with Sarah throwing an empty milk carton" soo I was learning tricks with the scissors and I once said "they teacher got a nice pair of scissors" (we were near the teachers desk for a project) and Nahiara said "I don't know what's up with you and scissors, I bet you have them hanging up in your room" (she didn't say it meanly she just said it in stitch [school nickname] fashion) and I replied, laughing, "no I do not" but after that today I only have 2 scissors up cause that's what inspired me to do so.. It also inspired me to do tricks on TikTok

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