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As the mourners slowly trickled out of the funeral home, Taylor lingered near the door, her face still an unyielding mask. She had performed her duties, greeting and acknowledging the condolences of Mr. Kelce's family and friends, but now she was ready to leave this chapter behind.

Inside, the Kelce family and close associates gathered in a small conference room to discuss the division of Mr. Kelce's estate. Taylor sat stiffly in a corner, feeling like an outsider amidst the relatives who eyed her with curiosity and, in some cases, disdain.

Travis stood near the front, his presence commanding as he waited for the proceedings to begin. A lawyer cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention.

"Thank you all for being here," the lawyer began. "As you know, Mr. Kelce's dictated how his assets will be distributed."

Taylor listened intently, her heart pounding. All she cared about were the papers,the ones Mr. Kelce had used to blackmail her and her father. She needed to find those papers and destroy them.

The lawyer continued, "To start, Mr. Kelce has left the entirety of his business and financial assets to his nephew, Travis Kelce."

There were murmurs of approval and nods of acknowledgment. Taylor noticed the faint look of satisfaction in Travis's eyes.

"Excuse me," Taylor interjected, trying to keep her voice steady. "What about the house? And the documents Mr. Kelce kept in his study? They're very important to me."

The lawyer glanced at her, shuffling through his papers. "There's no mention of specific documents here. As for the house, Mr. Kelce has made provisions. However, that part of the estate will be handled privately."

Taylor's heart sank. "The documents are crucial. I need to know where they are."

Travis, who had been silently observing, stepped forward. "What documents are you referring to?"

Taylor turned to face him, her eyes burning with a mix of anger and desperation. "Personal documents. They're very important to me."

Travis looked genuinely perplexed. "I wasn't aware of any such documents."

The lawyer interjected again, "If they're not mentioned in the will or among the listed assets, then they might not be part of the estate."

"They have to be somewhere," Taylor insisted. "He wouldn't just get rid of them."

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. Travis watched Taylor, his suspicion from earlier still lingering but now mingled with curiosity.

"We'll find them," he said finally, his voice a mix of determination and something softer. "If they exist, we'll find them."

Taylor wasn't sure if she could trust him, but she had no other choice. "I need those documents."

"We'll look through everything," Travis reassured her. "If they're here, we'll find them."

The meeting adjourned, and as the others left, the lawyer pulled Travis aside and whispered, "Remember, Mr. Kelce left everything to you, including the house. You have the legal right to make her leave if you choose."

Travis nodded but didn't say anything. He was curious about Taylor and something told him to let her think that the money and the house were still hers. Maybe it was her desperation or the way she seemed so lost and alone, but he decided to let her stay for now.

"Let's start looking tomorrow," Travis suggested as he met Taylor outside . "I'll have the house searched. If those documents are here, we'll find them."

Taylor nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope. "Thank you," she said quietly.

"Don't thank me yet," Travis replied, meeting her gaze with an unreadable expression. "We still have a lot to uncover."

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