Uncovering the Past

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Over the next few weeks, the tension between Taylor and Travis grew. The search for the mysterious documents that Taylor was so desperate to find had turned the house into a battleground. Travis couldn't shake the feeling that Taylor was hiding something, while Taylor resented his constant presence and probing questions.

Taylor spent most of her days sifting through Mr. Kelce's belongings, hoping to find the papers that had been a source of dread and control in her life. Travis, on the other hand, seemed to be everywhere she turned, watching her with a mix of suspicion and curiosity.

One evening, after a particularly frustrating day of searching, Taylor retreated to the living room, her nerves frayed. Travis followed her, his patience wearing thin.

"Why are you always around?" Taylor demanded, turning to face him with a glare.

"Just trying to understand what happened to my uncle," Travis replied, his voice hard.

"Maybe you should mind your own business," Taylor snapped, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Maybe you're hiding something," Travis countered, stepping closer, his eyes narrowing.

Taylor clenched her fists, trying to keep her composure. "You have no idea what I've been through."

"Then why don't you tell me? What are these papers you're so desperate to find?" Travis pressed, his frustration evident.

Taylor turned away, her voice trembling. "I don't have to explain myself to you."

Travis moved to stand in front of her, blocking her path. "I think you do. No one marries someone in their sixties without a good reason. Was it the money?"

Taylor's anger flared, mixed with a deep, painful sorrow. "Money? Do you think I ever saw a cent of his money? I wasn't allowed to go out, to have friends, to do anything. He controlled everything!"

Travis looked taken aback, his expression softening slightly. "Then why stay? Why not leave?"

Taylor's eyes filled with tears she refused to shed. Realizing she had already revealed too much, she shut down. "You know what, just forget it," she snapped. "I don't need to explain anything to you."

Travis watched her, a concerned look in his eyes. "Taylor, wait. I didn't mean to pry."

"You've done enough," Taylor shot back, storming out of the room, leaving Travis standing there, bewildered and more curious than ever.

Taylor's outburst left Travis troubled. He paced the room, replaying their conversation. "There's more to this story," he muttered to himself. "But what is she hiding?"

Taylor, meanwhile, retreated to her room, her mind racing. She knew she couldn't trust Travis, but the burden of the secret was becoming unbearable. She clutched a framed photo of her father, the weight of the past eight years pressing down on her.

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