1:Bye Parental Vision

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(This is all told in YOUR pov unless said otherwise 🖤)

I was sat in my room.

Completely pissed off.

I can't believe that Mom and Dad just left me here with him like this.

It's unreal.


'Hunny I just want you and Sam to get along, it's upsetting whenever oit two families get together you and Sam are always arguing or not speaking to anyone' the words mom said replaying in my head.

She said we aren't aloud to leave the house at all.

She gave us 200 bucks to order food while they were gone for the week.

I was pissed.

I got up from my bed and walked my way to the kitchen to get some water considering I haven't had anything to eat or drink in a while.

When I walk in the kitchen it was empty but Sam was sat on the couch in the living room.

I ignored him, looking in the fridge, I saw a whiteclaw and decided to grab that instead.

I closed the fridge and then jumped onto the counter and sat.

I cracked open the drink taking a sip.

It was relatively good but still kinda gross.

"Hey?!" Sam shouted.

Oh lord.

"Is that my Dr.Pepper?!" He shouted again.

"No dumbass it's a white claw" I yelled back.

"Pussy drink." He shouted back.

"Oh fuckin well, Golbach." I said, I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my drink.

"Wait." I heard from the living room, and then footsteps.

Damn. What does he want.

"Why the fuck are you drinking, you are 18?" He said walking up to me and taking the drink out of my hands.

"HEY!? I'M AN ADULT, GIVE IT BACK YOU DICK!" I said getting off the counter and trying to get the drink back, but he held it up where I couldn't reach it.

I crossed my arms and looked at him.
"You a bitch"

"And you're a underage drinker" He said taking the can down and taking a sip from it.

"What the fuck you are 19 what's the difference?" I said snatching it back and drinking it.

"Cause you're younger, now give me that shit" He said yanking it from me.

"Fuck you" I said slapping his arm before stomping to the fridge, bending down to open the freezer and pulling out the vodka.

I waved it at him
"You wouldn't." He said.

"Oh but I would, big bitch" I said mockingly before walking away.

"Youre gonna get wasted you cunt!" He yelled.

"Whatever makes me forget your uptight ass!" I slammed my door.

He was right.

I'm drunk as fuck.

Half the bottle is gone.

I'm crying.

I stand up holding the bottle, I stumble slightly as I walk out my room.

I run into the wall and drag across it as I walk.

I saw Sam on the back porch.

I stuck my tongue out at him even though he couldn't see me and I started laughing.

Tears going down my face slughtly.

"Ha- haaa haaaa" I 'laughed' as I stumbled to the kitchen falling making a loud ass thump.

Sam came inside and saw me on the floor.

"What are you doing"

I looked up at him.

"Iiiiimmmm fuckinnn sleeping whuhhts it look like sssammmm~ ha haaa" I smiled as I rolled, laying on my back as I looked up at him.

He rolled his eyes at me crossing his arms.

He reached down and picked me up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

"I still hate *hic* youu, Blondieee~"

"Back at you" He said walking me to the couch, tossing me down.

"Go to sleep." He said walking away.

619 Words

-I Hate You...Maybe?-  Sam Golbach X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now