3:Deep Conversation

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After my little altercation with Sam, I couldn't help but think to myself.

Why the fuck does Sam hate me.

I mean... Sure I'm rude to him
That's only cause he is rude to me.

I guess that's kinda petty but...

I don't care.

Sam's a bitch and pisses me off.

It's now 2am.

I've been laying in bed but I can't sleep.

I grab my phone and text my friend, Cas.

Me: Hey

It took her a moment to respond but she did.

Cas: why are you up?

Me: don kno

Cas: R U Ok?

Me: not really, can we yk talk about it maybe?

Cas: ye, wsp?

Me: it's Sam.

Cas: Oh god..
Cas: what did he do?

Me: well, what hasn't he done?

Cas: come on just say

Me: we got into a argument that turned physical, he pinned me against the wall telling me that he'd make me eat my words and his grip on my hurt.. Buttttt...

Cas: But??? Tf u mean but?

Me: girl... I kinda liked that shit

Cas: Y/N?! WHAT????

Me: ikr idek wtf is wrong with me

Cas: He's such a bitch, y tf do you like him?!


Cas: Bru...

Me: I don't?????

Cas: Reread our damn texts.

Me: UGH noooo, I like how..
Me: I like how he was rough with me..
Me: shit was hot kinda😋

Cas: so.. You like him.

Me: No. He's a bitch and all around snobby🔥🔥

Cas: nah dude, I think you like him😂

Me: fuckin where?!

Cas: EVERYWHERE, dude you had him on your mind at 2 in the morning, cuz u fukin like him!!!

Me: ughhh
Me: you really think so?

Cas: No I know so👀

Me: I don't like him🖕🏻

Cas: you are lucky it's pride Month or I'd say some slurs at you right now💀

Me: 😭😭😭
Me: lmaoooo

Cas: I think you should seriously considering your feelings though, cause that shit eats at you if you don't

Me: I'll lyk🙏

Cas: now gts it's 2:45am🖕🏻

Me: alrightttt😭
Me: Gnnn

Cas: Nn looooza💋

Me: 🖕🏻🖤


I set my phone down, a loud sigh leaving my lips.

Could I actually like, Sam.

He's a bitch.

Maybe I don't like Sam I just like how he held me.

-I Hate You...Maybe?-  Sam Golbach X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now