Chapter 1

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Trust is not a thing anymore when you live on the Isle of the Lost.

It's true that most VK kids trust their villain parent or siblings, but the only way to survive here is to truly keep everyone at a distance.

My name is Camilla DeVille. You can probably guess who my villainous mother is by my last name. Cruella DeVille, the most fashionable and cruel villain on this blasted Isle.

I have two friends. I know what you're thinking, that I just said you can't trust anybody, but I don't get too close. So far, so good. I've been intimidating enough that none of them tried to steal anything from me, or stab me in the back (literally). Or maybe they're just softies like those other 4 VKs, Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay.

You may have heard of them. They're the teens that got an invite to Auradon Prep, and almost burned down the whole place.

In the end, Mal became freaking QUEEN OF AURADON. She's not Queen anymore, though, because of an incident that happened 8 years ago. Mal burned down parts of Auradon in her dragon form, and the citizens of the city decided to exile Mal and her friends (except Carlos, he died in one of the fires before the banishment happened) to the mountains in the north of Auradon. No one knows if they're dead or alive.

There are a lot of whispers and rumours on the Isle of the Lost, and one thing I'm good at is spying. I've heard people talk about splitting shares of treasure, the latest parties, but mostly, the villains.

There are 10 most important villains that 'rule' over the Isle, if you can call it that. The other villains just kind of hang around, but they control some things, just less. The high rulers are Maleficent, the Evil Queen, Jafar, Cruella DeVille, Gaston, Mother Gothel, Ursula, Dr. Facilier, Captain Hook, and the Evil Stepmother. My mother (and my father, double points if you can guess who it is) is one of those villains, but that doesn't give me power like it does to her. I'm just like all the other VKs, stealing to survive.

The other thing I'm good at is, well, stealing things. Some say that I'm like the wind, taking people's valuables and sneaking away before they can even bat an eye. That explains what happened today.

I whisked through the crowds in the market, grabbing people's money from their pockets and disappearing into the shadows. I spot a girl on the roof of a short shop, along side another girl with dark hair and purple show clothes.

Diana, Jordyn, where have you been?

Jordyn was known for her magic tricks, and Diana was known for her fortune telling, a skill all the children of Dr. Facilier shared. I saw Diana hand a basket of dates to Jordyn, who threw it in my direction.

Those girls were the two people that I couldn't sneak up on. They always knew I was coming.

Maybe trust was a bad luck charm as well, aside from being your guaranteed murderer.

I climbed on top of the roof swiftly, in less than 3 seconds. Diana waved lazily at me, and Jordyn nodded in greeting. "Hey," I said absentmindedly. "Jordyn, you steal anything good lately?"

Instead of answering, Jordyn tossed me a small pouch. When I opened it, I saw so many jewels, they could be money to feed the entire population of the Isle for a month. "Where did you get all this loot?" I ask, not being able to resist hiding the pouch in my boot, saving it for later. Jordyn answers, "My dad's office. It'll be a while before he realizes it's missing, and by that time, he probably will have 500 times as much." Jordyn glances at my boot. "Keep the jewels, I'll just steal more later."

"Thanks," I mumble. Then I burst out, "How did you steal from one of the Ten Rulers?"

"I used a technique called 'being crazy'," Jordyn says, grinning at me. "The old man doesn't spend too much time in his office. He's off trying to find lamps and rubbing them to find a genie. I think I'll be 30 by the time he gives up."

"He'll never give up," Diana finally says. "The one thing he ever gave up about was trying to find the socks he stuffed under his bed and forgot about."

We all laugh. Then my phone rings, and I pick up.

"Can you come home early today, my pup?" My mom's voice says through the phone. "There's an emergency."

"Sure," I reply, a little hesitantly, because my mom will make me come home early sometimes to try on a pair of too big gold sandals that she got for me. The woman is crazy. I think she forgets that not all feet are as big as hers.

I hang up, jumping off the roof and landing on my feet. I yelled goodbye to my friends and run the way home.


"Mom, if you're going to send me home early, you may as well have a good reason," I point out as my mom rustles through her ginormous walk in closet.

"Yes, of course, pup," Cruella sets a black and red dress down on her bed. "Pick one."

"Mom," I hiss, trying to keep my cool, "Why did you make me come home?"

Cruella smiles, and sashays over to me, as if we have all the time in the world. "Calm down, Camie," My mom says in a soothing tone, stroking my cheek gently. Her hand is still wrinkle free despite her being in her late fifties. I swear, sometimes it feels like the woman never ages. "I wanted to tell you something important," Cruella walks back over to her bed and hangs the black dress back in the closet, closing the doors when she's done.

Knowing my mom, I expect the news to be a new fur coat, or another fashion trip to the other side of the island. But no. This time, I was wrong.

Cruella turns to me, her smile not reaching her eyes, and says, "Your father, Captain Hook, is coming for dinner tomorrow."

Tell me if you guessed right about who Camilla's dad was.

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