Fruit part 1 🍑🌸

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Goku appeared on the Sacred world under the shade of a big, luscious tree. He took in his surroundings and was in awe at how beautiful this time of day was on the divine planet. The sunset painted the sky with colors of orange, pink, purple, and his favorite being the midnight blue that matched the Supreme Kai's pupils in the moonlight.

"Wow, this place looks amazing." Goku said in admiration as he looked up at the various moons that scattered across the sky. He imagined Shin gazing up at them with a smile as his eyes - those light grey irises - sparkled with wonder. Goku closed his eyes and hummed, then suddenly, something landed on Goku's head with a thud. He caught it just before it fell to the ground and saw that it was a fruit, not unlike a peach, but lighter in color, matching the pink hue of the sun.

"Ouch, what the?" Goku said as he rubbed his head. "Hmm..." Goku hummed. "Supreme Kai likes fruit. Maybe he'd like this if I brought it to him." Goku thought as he walked towards the Grand palace. Cherry blossom trees lined the long walkway, petals floating in the gentle breeze and brushing against the Saiyan's skin like soft kisses.

The Saiyan gazed up at the tall double doors, each one lined with intricate marble carvings. The designs seemed to be vines and flowers, which wouldn't be surprising knowing Shin. The Kai loved nature and water, especially stargazer lilies.

Goku's face lit up when the door creaked open and Shin stepped out to greet him. "Hello Goku-san. It's a pleasure to see you again after so long." Shin said warmly, his voice as soft as the breeze.

"Hey Supreme Kai! I uh, I got you a fruit." Goku said while bowing with a shy smile as he held out the small fruit to Shin. Shin smiled warmly up at the Saiyan and accepted the gift, his fingers brushing against Goku's palm for just a moment. "Why, thank you, Goku-san. How thoughtful of you." he said, deciding to humor Goku, as he knew where he had gotten the fruit from. Shin had always enjoyed Goku's playful and innocent nature, and the Saiyan's wide grin only made Shin chuckle.

"Come, Goku-san, follow me inside." Shin said as he took Goku's hand and gently tugged him into the palace.

"Goku-san, why have you come to me?" Shin asked with a smile as he set the small fruit in a bowl on a round table. Goku's heart skipped a beat every time Shin said 'Goku-san'. The Kai breathed out the honorific in a soft tone, making it sound like a whisper in the wind meant only for Goku's ears.

The Saiyan watched with a slight smile as Shin made sure the bowl was perfectly center, moving it gently back and forth until Shin thought it looked good.

"Oh, you know, just wanted to chat." Goku answered as he pulled out a chair for Shin and gestured for him to sit. "What a gentleman. Thank you, Goku-san." Shin said as he sat and Goku pushed the chair in gently. "Please, sit." Shin said. Goku nodded and sat across from the Kai.

"So, Supreme Kai-" Goku started, but Shin cut him off with a finger to his own lips in a shushing gesture. "You may call me Kaioshin." he offered. Goku grinned almost too much at the offer, ecstatic to be able to refer to the Supreme Kai as 'Kaioshin', something the Kai hardly let anyone do.

"Alright, will do. Kaioshin, I wanted to ask if you could train me. I want to learn magic and more effective teleportation like the Kai Kai technique." Goku said as he clasped his hands out in front of him, resting his hands on the table. Shin looked up at him with kind eyes, chuckling a bit before saying, "Oh Goku-san, you're always ready to learn more aren't you."

Goku grinned and nodded, leaning over the table slightly. "So, will you train me? It'd be cool to be a student of the Supreme Kai." Goku stated before trying to correct himself to sound more formal. "Oh, I mean, I would be honored to have you as my teacher, Kaioshin-sama."

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