Take Care

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Goku heard a thud and burst in the bathroom to see Shin on the ground, holding his ankle and covering his mouth with a fistful of the towel wrapped around his chest. "I'm okay." he said quickly, looking up at Goku with a reassuring smile. Goku knelt in front of him and reached for him, but Shin pulled away. "I'm alright, I just fell in the shower." he said, wincing when Goku put his hand over Shin's on his ankle. "Wait here." Goku said, standing up and going to the cabinets. Shin's eyes held confusion and he tried to peak around Goku's back. Goku pulled out a box and looked through it. "Where do you keep them?" he mumbled more to himself. Finally, he found what he was looking for and pulled out a bandage.

"I told you, I'm fine." Shin said again when Goku came back, kneeling again in front of the Kai and moving his hand. "Liar." Goku murmured, wrapping the bandage around his ankle. "Can you stand?" he asked, looking back up at Shin. "I'm sure I can." Shin sighed, exasperated, as Goku took his hand and pulled him off the ground. "Can you walk?" Goku asked this time. "I'm sure if I can stand I can-" Shin cut off his sentence with a small yelp as he stumbled to the ground when he tried to walk, Goku catching him before he hit his knees. "Liar." Goku said again with a slight smile, hooking an arm under Shin's legs and carrying him bridal style to the Kai's bedroom. He set him down and went to the closet, pulling out loose clothing - shorts and a shirt - drying Shin off first then helping Shin into them.

"Better?" he asked. Shin nodded, allowing Goku to pick him up again and take him to bed. Goku gently laid Shin down and tucked him in, making sure Shin's ankle wasn't twisted in the blankets and that it was propped up on a pillow. "Just lay back and rest for now. We can worry about training later." Goku said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Um, do you need anything?" he asked.

"No, Goku." Shin chuckled, sitting up. "Thank you. But really, I think I can-"

"You can't walk, Supreme Kai." Goku interrupted, pushing Shin back down. "Just, let me take care of you. I'll make you something to eat. How's that?" he asked, but Shin shook his head. "I'm not hungry."

Goku sighed. "Liar." he said again. Shin gave him an amused smile and chuckled, "Fine, make me something spicy."

"Spicy? On it!" Goku exclaimed, jumping up and going to the kitchen. "I won't take long." he assured as he left.

Ramen was Goku's go-to on spicy food, so he pulled out some cup ramen and emptied it in a pot of water, boiling it and seasoning it with sea salt. "Let's see..." Goku hummed, draining the water and scooping the ramen into a bowl. He added vinegar and hot sauce, wondering how spicy Shin liked it, and mixed it around. He was about to go back to Shin's room when out of the corner of his eyes he saw the porch, stained glass walls surrounding it so you could see outside but it blocked the wind, and a little table and two chairs sitting in theiddle, sunlight casting a warm glow on the room. Goku smiled and set up the table, then decided to go to Shin and surprise him.

When he got back to the room, he saw Shin sitting up and rubbing his ankle. "Hey, don't touch it. You gotta let it heal. No strain, okay?" Goku said, taking Shin's hand and stopping him from messing with his injury. Shin nodded and smiled up at Goku, and the Saiyan smiled back, picking Shin up again and taking him to the porch. "Thank you, Goku..." Shin muttered when Goku sat him down in the chair, caressing hisbhair for a moment before sitting across from him. "No problem." Goku assured, pushing the bowl of ramen in front of Shin, along with a cup of tea, and urging him to eat. Shin slowly picked up the chopsticks and took a small bite of the noodles, more like a nibble than anything. "Come on, you gotta eat more than that. Is it too spicy?" Goku asked. Shin shook his head with a small laugh. "Not spicy enough." he said. Goku raised a brow with a faint smile and asked, "Oh yeah?" He got up and grabbed the bottle of hot sauce he used earlier and handed it to Shin, motioning to Shin's noodles. As Shin spiced up his food - way more than Goku thought he would - Goku went back to the kitchen, Shin not knowing what he was doing until the scent of chocolate filled the air when Goku came back, sitting across from him again. "What are you making?" Shin asked, still only nibbling at his food. "Something that'll stir up your appetite hopefully. You're not eating much." Goku said, taking the chopsticks from Shin's hand and twirling a bite of noodles on them, holding it up to Shin's lips. "I can feed myself." Shin said, but he took the bite anyway. "I know." Goku said, then they heard a ding from the kitchen oven. "Dessert's done." Goku chimed, hopping out of his seat and going to the kitchen once again.

"Dessert, you say?" Shin repeated. Goku nodded and came back with a plate of tiny chocolate filled strawberry quiche with powdered sugar on the top. They were steaming hot, and Goku set the plate in the middle of the table. "So you cook and bake?" Shin asked doubtfully. Goku shrugged and said, "Chi-Chi's cooked for me so much that I caught on. Sorta. Don't blame me if it's bad." Shin chuckled and took another bite of ramen, and Goku raised a brow. Shin noticed the gesture and chuckled. "I'm not spoiling my dinner, Goku. I'm a good boy." he said matter-of-factly, taking another bite. "Fine." Goku sighed, sitting down and waiting. "But you know they'll be cold right?"

Shin paused for a moment as if thinking about it then set down his chopsticks, picking up a quiche and taking a quick nibble out of it. "Happy?" he teased, setting it back down. "Not until it's gone." Goku smiled, picking the quiche back up and (gently) forcing it into Shin's mouth before the Kai gave up and chewed.

"It's really good." the Kai hummed, taking a sip of tea. "But you know you don't have to take care of me, right? I'm not sick or incapable." he said, setting the cup back down on the saucer with a 'tink' sound. Goku nodded. "I know."

Shin tilted his head slightly, nibbling on his chopsticks. "You've been very kind."

"I try." Goku chuckled, watching Shin take another bite of what he thought would be level five on the spicy scale that only went up to three.

"You haven't been acting immature." Shin added, swishing his noodles back and forth.

"I can be mature when I want to be." Goku stated. Shin chuckled. "Indeed. My ankle shouldn't take long to heal. It's happened before."

"You often slip in the shower?" Goku asked with a tilt of his head. Shin shook his head with a breathed laugh and said, "Sometimes." He took another sip of tea and sighed. "Thank you, Goku."

Goku grinned. "Any time."

Dragon Ball One Shots!! Goku X Supreme KaiWhere stories live. Discover now