Mrs. Lestrange

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The first thing, that Hermione noticed after she entered the potions classroom was Malfoy, sitting by the wall at the last table, rocking on the chair back and forth like an insolent student. His legs were outstretched on the table in front of him. Hermione had never wished for anyone to fall more, than she felt in that exact moment. She considered achieving that wish by a small, innocent jinx, but she didn't want to get in the fight in front of the children. So she just walked past him to the front and let him be.

Potions was one of Hermione's most favorite subjects. Even though she had a hard time passing whilst she studied at Hogwarts due to the fact, that Snape hated her guts. She was, in fact, a little bit grateful for his unfair behavior towards her and her peers, because it motivated her to study twice as hard as she normally would. Every school year she managed to remember all of the potions they were brewing and she was able to list their ingridients by heart. Even now.

That day's class was especially easy, because she had first years, so only a theory and a simple Cure for Boils awaited. Hermione quickly learned the names of the newcomers. There were only five of them anyway. They were fortunately young enough so they didn't cause any problems. At least in their first period.

The whole time Malfoy sat at the last table. His eyes were closed and in one moment it seemed, that he fell asleep. To Hermione's utter disappointment he didn't fell from the chair even while he slept.

At the end of the class Hermione checked all cauldrons, praised the best results, helped the slower ones with their potion, assigned homework and after that she thanked the kids for their attention and dismissed the class. It was only after the chairs under leaving students started screeching over the stone floor that Malfoy rubbed his eyes before he opened them. Looking a little bit confused he stood up and leaned against the column with his shoulder, arms crossed in front of his chest.

Hermione sneaked a peek at him while she scribbled a few notes into her notebook. His hair was a mess and the whites of his eyes stained with red.

"What now?" He yawned and rested his head on the column.

"Well," Hermione started whilst continuing with the writing, head bowed over the notebook, "I would appreciate, if you would give me my wand and I could put the classroom back into its order." She dipped the quill in the ink.

Malfoy yawned again, that time loudly, which annoyed Hermione even more than his mere existance. "The house elves can do it." He scratched the back of his head lazily.

Everybody knew, that Hermione didn't like to use house elves more than was necessary. Even Malfoy had registered her S.P.E.W. badge in their fourth year. He would then, with his little gang, make fun of her. They often reminded her, that she was even less than a house elf due to her dirty blood and Pansy never missed a chance to compare Hermione's appearance to the house elves. So the fact, that Malfoy proposed something like that had to be on purpose. He wanted to rile her up. But she was determined to stay calm as long as her Gryffindor-self would allow her.

"Reseting the classrooms is not a part of their duty. It never was. Even when your godfather taught this subject. The house elves are taking care of the rest of the castle and are in charge of the kitchen. So either give me my wand, or clean it yourself." She angrily put the quill aside and crossed her arms over the desk, waiting for his response.

Malfoy grinned at her with his usual sneer. "When you got so bossy, Granger?" He reached inside of the sleeve of his black shirt and pulled her wand out. He twirled it a few times in his fingers and his stormy eyes landed on Hermione. "Say please." He demanded.

Hermione had to clench her teeth so she would not throw any insult at his persona. 'That spoiled, little, annoying piece of shit.' She could feel, that her face started to turn red in rage. She wanted to yell at him, hex him, hit him, shoot him. Anything to make him hurt. She wanted to rip his tongue out, to gauge his eyes out, to slice his throat open. How dared he make her to beg for something that was rightfully hers. The humiliation she felt was overpowering as she proceeded through tightly gritted teeth, "Please, Malfoy. Give me my wand."

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