Werewolf attack

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"You're asking much of me, Draco." Rabastan leaned back in the vast chair that sat behind the wooden desk in his office at Lancaster Castle. Crossing his fingers in front of his chest he looked way too comfortable for having that kind of conversation.

Draco, in the chair across the table, swirled the whiskey glass in his gloved hand, eyeing its content with boredom. He didn't feel comfortable in the place, but sometimes people had to do what's needed to be done. "We can't just sit and wait for a half-blood to ruin our world, Rabastan. Someone has to act."

"And that someone should be you?" Rabastan quirked his eyebrow at the younger wizard who only shrugged in a response.

"It's his birthright." Blaise came to help his friend. He was sat on Draco's right meanwhile Theodore on his left.

Rabastan clicked his tongue. "Only if the rumours are really true." He said without looking at Blaise at all.

That sentence finally made Draco to break his bored expression. His gaze shot across the table and pierced Rabastan's dark eyes with intensity. "You know it's true. Don't be ignorant."

A crook smile appeared on Rabastan's face, lips quirking with mischief but his eyes betrayed a tiny scrap of fear. He pursed lips and quickly averted his gaze. "I noticed that you seem in a better condition." He uttered.

"You are the only person in this family that I can count on with this issue." Draco continued in a lighter tone that time.

That seemed to ease the older man's stiffness again. He nodded his head and reached out one hand. "Apart from my darling wife of course." At the gesture Pansy took a cautious step closer to him and took his hand. He placed a delicate kiss on top of hers and locked their eyes for just a second. She repaid him with sneer.

Theodore whimpered in his seat like a wounded animal and Draco clenched and unclenched his hand under the table.

"I'm sorry, Theodore," Rabastan shot a disdainful look at the wizard's direction, squinting his eyes. "Are you unwell?"

"Ghastly." Theo grunted and gripped his glass with such a force the thing almost broke.

Rabastan only waved his hand and scoffed, not seeing Pansy shaking her head as a silent gesture to the curly haired man. "Nothing that another shot of whiskey wouldn't improve in your case." He jabbed. Everyone was aware of Nott's drinking problem. Even the highest ranking man in the ministry.

Theodore bit his lip, his knee bouncing nervously under the table. Draco discreetly put a hand on top of his thigh. He shouldn't had brought him to this meeting. He didn't want to bring him. But Theodore insisted. He would never miss the opportunity to be close to Pansy. Even if it would tear him apart. Draco envied the love that two of his best friends shared with each other. It was something he had never experienced. There weren't many things that he wished more for than for them to be together as a normal couple. Not just a two secret lovers sneaking around like a pair of thieves. Yes, he understood their strong bond and sometimes was jealous of their love, but sometimes, in situations like these, he would like to beat Theodore to pulp so he would collect his shit together and stop behaving like a fool.

"What about your brother?" Draco turned his attention back to Rabastan, trying to push the conversation back on the tracks.

"Rodolphus is..." Rabastan searched for words. "A reasonable man." That statement won scoffing from every person in the room apart from Theo, who was draining his glass to the floor. "Surely he would follow you if he knew. Only if it wasn't for his crazy wife."

"Bella is my aunt, she can be persuaded..." Draco started but Rabastan interrupted him.

"Yes, but she is also loyal to the Dark Lord. Persuading her would mean a lot of work. I would have to win Rodolphus to our side first. He is the only person able to reason with her. And there are also other Death Eaters I would be able to...convince of our interest." Rabastan thought whilst scratching his beard.

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