Chapter 21| You like your girls insane

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I'm not insane, right?

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I'm not insane, right?

The door behind me opens and Juliette walks out, i stand up and we both walk in.

I zone out for a while. Not noticing when Aaron walks in. I zone back and see how everyone brings up a gun towards him.

I walk over to him. Standing beside him.

"You wanna go back?" He asks, i look over to Juliette and the others.

"Spencer..? What are you doing with him?" She asks.

"He..he saved me." I say, looking at her. "When i was shot, he helped me." She looks at him, annoyed and then looks over to me. Her face softening.

"Whats he doing here?" Adam comes back and says. "I told you! She's still insane, she's bringing the psycho here!" He says, now i'm the one getting annoyed.

"Don't worry I'm leaving." I say, as i say that Juliette turns around in a hurry.

"Wh-what no, no you can't leave! I just found out you're alive and good and not dead! You can't leave me again." She says

"So you're really taking her side? Instead of mine, your own boyfriend?" Adam then says.

Juliette lets out a sigh. Turning around again.
"We broke up a while ago Adam, you're not my boyfriend." She says.

Adam getting frustrated again.

"Juliette come with me." I say, my voice soft once again. I see hers and others eyes widen.

"I can't....i don't wanna leave the others" she says, sadly

"Kenji? Jason? Please." I turn to them, hoping they'll say yes.

"No no way, Spencer is love you, i really do but no." Kenji says, i then turn to Jason.

"I go wherever you go." He says, so that's one yes, a maybe and a no. Great.

"Juliette please, it's better to just come somewhere safe. Get proper food, a bed and train. Then stay here." I say, aiming my words for the others too.

"Why would we listen to you?" Ian i think says.

"Because right now, we are all you have, whether you like it or not. You can hate me all you want but do you wanna die hating me? Or do you wanna get your friends back. " i tell them.

Everyone considering it, some still skeptical and some wanting to.

"This is unbelievable." Adam says, pinching the bridge of his nose. This time all five of us sighing.

"Im gonna go with Aaron tonight, and he'll come get you tomorrow. Okay?" I tell Juliette.
She nods, i hear how she doesn't want me to leave her here.

I turn around and walk with Aaron back to the car. "Thank you, for coming." I say.

"Of course." He says, embracing me in a hug.
"You know i'd do anything for you, love."

"Yeah i know, i would too." I tell him back.

When we're back at the base i immediately hop in the shower. Turning the water on warmer till my skin goes red.

I wash my hair. Letting the shampoo run down my shoulders and back. I let the water rinse it all out.

Aaron, come. I tell him.

I then hear the door open,
"Love? Whats wrong?" He says.

"Join me, please." I ask him. He nods and takes off his clothes, getting in.

He wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my neck, up to my face.

I then turn around and place my lips on his, allowing his tongue to enter my mouth. I break the kiss by getting down on my knees.

"Spencer..." he whimpers.

After the shower, dried and clothed i sit on the fixed bed. Lying on my back, looking up at the ceiling while Aarons in his office doing something.

I get up and walk towards the door, the room where i first heard him think he's in love with me.
I open the door and walk in, seeing a few medication bottles on the counter, i then make eye contact with Aaron. He's trying to put something on his back.

"Do you want some help?" I ask, softly.
He nods and lets me put it on.

"Thank you" he says.

"Of course." I tell him, smiling. I don't ask where he got the scars, I don't wanna seem pushy or rude but I'm guessing his dad.

I grab his hand, leading him towards the bed. I sit us down, snuggling in his arms. He plants a kiss on my head as i put my head into his neck.

"I love you." I tell him.

"I love you too." He says, smiling.

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